"the 2023 Conference of the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science (AAHPSSS) will take place at the University of Sydney, Wednesday 29 November and Friday 1 December, 2023.
The call for papers is now open!"
https://aahpsss.net.au/cfp-aahpsss-2023-conference/ #hps #philosophy #philsci
1) What does "dark matter" mean?
2) Are the dark matter and modified gravity concepts mutually exclusive?
3) How to interpret Janus-faced theories that are both a form of dark matter and a modification of gravity?
#HPS #philosophy #philsci #philosophyofphysics #philosophyofcosmology
#hps #philosophy #philsci #philosophyofphysics #PhilosophyOfCosmology
Dr. Emily Sullivan is a philosopher of data and computer science, who will be an Assistant Professor ("Universitair Docent") for Philosophy of Science.
#philosophy #philsci #HPS #History #histsci
#philosophy #philsci #hps #History #histsci
Utrecht HPS keeps growing and growing. We're excited to welcome three new assistant professors to @utrechtuniversity
Dr. Sjang ten Hagen is a historian of physics and of knowledge more broadly, who will be an Assistant Professor ("Universitair Docent") for Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Carina Prunkl is a philosopher of autonomy & AI, with a background in philosophy of physics, who will be an Assistant Professor ("Universitair Docent") for Ethics of Technology.
During the past year, students of the HPS masters organised a course on the philosophy of Science Fiction. Questions on science fiction's role, implications, and meaning were raised and discussed.
The students tapped into their creative minds for the course and produced their own stories. These tales appeared in a volume edited and illustrated by them with an introduction from their instructor @RobertJanW. Because of the success of this first edition, a second one will follow.
#scifi #HPS
Not one but two PostDoc positions at Utrecht University @utrechtuniversity on the history and philosophy of physics or science, within Guido Bacciagaluppi's ERC project "Niels Bohr for the 21st century". There are less than two weeks left to apply.
#HPS #history #historyofscience #histsci #philosophyofphysics #philsci
#hps #History #historyofscience #histsci #philosophyofphysics #philsci
Hello Mastodon! Expect from us posts on events, podcasts, lectures, summer schools, papers and exhibitions coordinated by the Utrecht University History & Philosophy of Science Group, which covers teaching (HPS Master) and research in the history and philosophy of the life sciences, physics, crime, drugs, politics, culture, medicine, ideas, the space sciences, mathematics, conspiracy theories, the environmental sciences, and much more!
#HPS #philosophy #philsci #history #historyofscience
#hps #philosophy #philsci #History #historyofscience
Another excellent article by Paul Marchant and Paul Norman, demonstrating the non-detection of road (and criminal) safety benefits of road lighting nor in the recent replacements from sodium #HPS to #LED (in particular, #LEDbranco). It questions the high public investment in road lighting when that supposed benefit is not verified, & recalls the impacts of #luzartificial at night.
#hps #led #ledbranco #luzartificial #poluicaoluminosa #lightpollution
Expect posts on events, podcasts, lectures, summer schools, papers and exhibitions coordinated by the Utrecht University History & Philosophy of Science Group, which covers teaching (HPS Master) and research in the history and philosophy of the life sciences, physics, crime, drugs, politics, culture, medicine, ideas, the space sciences, mathematics, conspiracy theories, the environmental sciences, and much more!
#HPS #philosophy #philsci #history #histsci #historyofscience
#hps #philosophy #philsci #history #histsci #historyofscience
In 1924 the Daily Sketch publicly exposed spirit photographer Ada Deane as a fraud. The image in the top right corner was not the spirits of a group of fallen soldiers, but faces cut-out from images of footballers and boxers still alive.
#ww1 #hps #paranormal #magic #occult
CFP: "Occultism and Popular Culture in Europe". Our new research group @UCPH_Research is delighted to announce this amazing upcoming event.
Details can be found 👇
#hist #histsci #hps #magic #occult #gothic #horror
RT @ankeny_rachel@twitter.com
Another fabulous article published in Studies, by Emily Parke (Auckland) and Anya Plutynski (Wash U)! @ElsevierNews@twitter.com @BioViewsHPS@twitter.com #hps #philbio https://twitter.com/Project_Telos/status/1628461116555956226
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ankeny_rachel/status/1628506285506453504
I just saw someone use the word “sciencephobic” as pushback about being labelled transphobic because, according to them, XX=female XY=male is just “basic #science
So, you may not know this… but I spent quite a lot of time studying History and Philosophy of Science at Uni.
So I have spent a lot of time thinking and learning and writing and studying the question “so like… what even IS science??”
And it turns out that… wow that is actually a fucking difficult question to answer as it turns out?
So there are lots of ways that people try to define science but most of them fail pretty hard to describe the way science actually works in the real world. Which is why #HPS is so fun for me.
But anyway. It’s way more complicated than you’d think.
But one thing that I am sure about about science, is that science does some pretty intense and important sciencing when “we think we know how this works” doesn’t match up with “what actually happens”
t’s not ~basic science~ to say “well XY is male and XX is female”.
It’s ~basic science~ when you look at more closely at the world and discover “actually… wow, it’s WAY more complicated than that”
(Which, I must point out, biologists actually do. As it turns out, teachers don’t actually go into the full, wild, wonderfully baffling complexity of all human knowledge in High School.)
CIMR-Vertrag HPS-TAS-Italien: per Unterschrift auf die Zielgerade
Größtes gemeinsames Innovationsprojekt der europäischen Raumfahrt: CEOs von #TAS-I, HPS und #LSS setzen Startschuss für Phase C/D der großen entfaltbaren Antenne „#LDRS” im Projekt CIMR. Eine Pressemitteilung der #HPS GmbH. (sg)
3– 2– 1– Nächster Liftoff für HPS-Weltraumsegel
ADEO-N3 auf dem Satelliten-Carrier ION des italienischen Missionsproviders D-ORBIT an Bord einer Falcon-9-Rakete von #SpaceX gestartet. Eine Pressemitteilung der #HPS GmbH. #ADEO (sg)
I am honored and pleased to be among the elected #AAAS Fellows for 2022!! This is quite a distinguished group and I am thrilled and humbled to be included among them.
Congratulations also go to my fellow History and Philosophy of Science Fellows for this year, @erikconway, Amy Lauren Fairchild,, and Alan Love!
#AAASFellows #HPS #philsci #philbio @philosophy
#philbio #philsci #hps #aaasfellows #AAAS
Woo-hoo! Our grant for starter funds was successful! As of February 2023 I will be co-leading a project titled "The Rise of Popular Occulture in Europe" at the University of Copenhagen!! Details to come, and I hope you can join us.
#hps #paranormal #victorian #gothic #horror #occult
This is a photo of the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Supernormal Pictures, c. 1922. It was taken by #psychic photographer William Hope and you can see a few key figures in this picture including A.C. Doyle and A. Wallace.
#hps #magic #paranormal #ghost #occult #psychic
#Postdoc jobs at #Edinburgh, on a great project on 20thC international mathematical/academic community, with @mjb
Deadline 2 February, see https://elxw.fa.em3.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX_1001/job/6165/?utm_medium=jobshare
#hps #histsci #histodons #edinburgh #postdoc
Is there a fancy name for 'theory borrowing', or more specifically for the act of taking mathematical tools or formal models out of their original context and applying them to a more-or-less unrelated discipline? All sciences do it, feels like there should be a fancy name for it
#philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilSci #HPS #HistoryOfScience
#historyofscience #hps #philsci #philosophyofscience #philosophy