Was im Heimaturlaub auch immer deutlich wird: #Hessen hat offenbar den schlechtesten Musikgeschmack der Republik.
#hr1 #hr3 #Westdeutschland
#westdeutschland #hr3 #hr1 #hessen
Ich habe gerade erfahren, dass es auf dem Radiosender #HR1 eine Rubrik namens "Katja kocht" gibt.
Hört das nicht! Das ist nur ein ganz billiger Abklatsch von #marquitoKocht
RT @AsmRobertRivas@twitter.com
See my statement regarding #HR1 below:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AsmRobertRivas/status/1599871071830040577
Auf #hr1 läuft gerade ganz unironisch Freddy Quinns "Hundert Mann und ein Befehl" ... 🤢
RT @BillPascrell
This chart shows why #HR1 is so important: there are now over 380 republican bills to suppress voting and rig elections. Do you see your state?
#Trump warns America -- we have to stop #HR1, #Democrats trying to rig every #election going forward:
#election #Democrats #hr1 #Trump
Hannity Faceplants Way Through Figuring Out Voting Rights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JCNX1SnqHA
It is revealing what Hannity said about early voting in his rant against the Democratic voting rights bill #HR1.
Early voting reduces the impact of fake news and negative campaigning.
After some time the lie will be revealed. If they publish the fake news late, many people will already have voted. If they publish the fake news early, people will find out it was a lie before the election.
15 Insane Things In Democrats’ H.R. 1 Bill To Corrupt Elections Forever
RT @joegmurph
Tell Congress: Fix our broken democracy and Pass #HR1, the #ForThePeopleAct: https://addup.sierraclub.org/campaigns/tell-the-new-congress-fix-our-broken-democracy-and-pass-hr-1-the-for-the-people-act?promoid=7013q000001kyf3AAA&utm_medium=recruit&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=addup&tc=false
I see what's going on here!
RT @allontheline@twitter.com
#HR1 has been reintroduced in the US House of Representatives!
#HR1 will:
Get big money out of politics
Restore voting rights
Offer new protections for voters
Hold govt officials accountable
Take action to support the passage of this landmark law today! http://declarationforamericandemocracy.org/takeaction/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/allontheline/status/1346506742931320832
RT @RBReich@twitter.com
Mitch McConnell calls #HR1 a "power grab" because it would:
1) Begin to overturn Citizens United.
2) Establish Automatic Voter Registration.
3) Bolster anti-bribery laws.
4) Protect the Voting Rights Act.
Yes. It's a "power grab" -- grabbing power back for the people.