This week, a Canadian court declares “flipping the bird” is a “God given right”, and the guys get to know the wonderful world of Sid and Marty Krofft.
#Drakulas #SXSW #EvilDeadRise #BruceCampbell #celebs #StarWars #adnansyed #Canada #SCTV #SNL #MartinShort #EugeneLevy #Quebec #flippingthebird #truecrime #middlefinger #freespeech #politics #poltergeist2 #SidandMartykrofft #puppets #HRPufnstuf #BelaLugosi #theBeatles #McDonalds #sixflags #lidsville #CharlesNelsonReilly #psychedelia #thebugaloos
#drakulas #sxsw #evildeadrise #brucecampbell #celebs #starwars #adnansyed #canada #sctv #snl #martinshort #eugenelevy #quebec #flippingthebird #truecrime #middlefinger #freespeech #politics #poltergeist2 #sidandmartykrofft #puppets #hrpufnstuf #belalugosi #thebeatles #mcdonalds #sixflags #lidsville #charlesnelsonreilly #psychedelia #thebugaloos
[1969] H.R. Pufnstuf - The adventures of a boy trapped in a fantastic land with a dragon friend and a witch enemy. First episode: Jimmy and H.R. Pufnstuf infiltrate Witchiepoo's castle to rescue Judy Frog so that they can get directions to the Magic Path. Starring Jack Wild.
#OldBritishTelly #FreeForAllFriday #hrpufnstuf #jackwild