#HRW wirft #Taliban Verbrechen gegen Menschlichkeit vor https://orf.at/stories/3330432/
#HRW: "The Israeli military and border police forces are killing Palestinian children with virtually no recourse for accountability."
https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/28/west-bank-spike-israeli-killings-palestinian-children #impunity #israelPalestine #Palestine #israelApartheid #zionism #stateViolence #WestBank #policeViolence #coloniality #militaryJustice #colonialism #occupation #children
#children #occupation #colonialism #militaryjustice #coloniality #policeviolence #westbank #stateviolence #zionism #IsraelApartheid #Palestine #israelpalestine #impunity #hrw
A #HRW refere num comunicado que o professor saudita Muhammad al-Ghamdi foi condenado à morte este ano por um tribunal saudita numa série de acusações relacionadas com o seu activismo político online.
As postagens do professor foram feitas no site do #ElonMusk e esperava-se alguma reação deste, dado o seu compromisso declarado com a liberdade de expressão, que ele frequentemente expressa em críticas ao governo e às instituições dos EUA .
Em vez disso, silêncio.
Absolut finster. Saudi-Arabien soll Tausende von äthiopischen Migrant*innen an der Grenze erschießen, so Human Rights Watch https://www.zeit.de/2023/37/saudi-arabien-grenzschutz-aethiopien-migranten-toetung/komplettansicht #HRW #Grenzregime
(2/2) #Drag #violence #Lebanon #LGBTQIA #HRW
The attack follows widespread anti-LGBT incidents in Lebanon, including incitement to violence against LGBT people by religious leaders, banning events around gender and sexuality by the government, and proposed legislation by officials to explicitly criminalize same-sex conduct and “promoting homosexuality.”
“We had to assess whether it was safe to host the event, but we decided to go ahead because drag is a form of entertainment that is mainstream in Lebanon and had not yet been targeted,” one of the event organizers said.
To our knowledge, there have been no arrests made in connection with the August 23 attack. If no one is held accountable, authorities are sending an alarming message that violence motivated by hate toward sexual and gender minorities is above the law, and LGBT people are excluded from the government’s obligation to protect them.
LGBT people and their allies will continue to raise their voices and fight for their rights. The only question is whether Lebanon’s government will listen.
#hrw #lgbtqia #lebanon #violence #drag
Violent Assault on Drag Event in Lebanon
Increasingly Hostile Climate for LGBT People
By Rasha Younes
Men from an anti-LGBT group attacked a bar in Lebanon where a drag event was being held on August 23, while threatening violence against LGBT people.
“We stopped the show and had to hide behind the bar, lying down on the floor, breathless,” one of the performers told me. “The police stood on the side, watching, as the men were beating people.”
The men were part of the so-called Soldiers of God group that is openly hostile toward LGBT people in Lebanon.
“There were a dozen men on motorcycles who attacked us. At least two of them had guns,” another performer said.
A video of the attack shows the assailants shoving some of the attendees and shouting “We warned you, this is only the beginning,” and, “We will not allow the promotion of homosexuality in the land of God.”
Agents of the Internal Security Forces who arrived while the attack was under way did not intervene, five of the event’s attendees said. “The police were watching as they attacked us, but instead of stopping and arresting them, they interrogated the bar owner and the attendees about the nature of the performance,” one of the attendees added.
Gestern haben wir zusammen mit dem ADFC Oberhausen-Mülheim die 3 Mio. Radfahrenden auf dem
@Radschnellweg1 in #MHRuhr seit Eröffnung des Abschnitts zwischen Ruhr und #HRW am 15.5.19 mit einem Geschenk geehrt und noch einmal betont, wie wichtig ein schneller Weiterbau des #RS1 Richtung Duisburg ist.
"A repressão na Arábia Saudita atingiu uma nova fase aterradora, na qual um tribunal pode condenar alguém a pena de morte apenas por fazer publicações pacíficas"
#alGhamdi #direitoshumanos #HumanRightsWatch #arabiasaudita #ALQST #AmnistiaInternacional #HumanRights #Humanity #HRW #penademorte #MohamedbinSalman
#MohamedbinSalman #penademorte #hrw #Humanity #HumanRights #amnistiainternacional #ALQST #arabiasaudita #humanrightswatch #direitoshumanos #alghamdi
#Ukraine 's human rights activist Maxym #Butkevych was sentenced to 13 ys yesterday in Russian-occupied #Luhansk
A #HRW background, in case you haven't yet heard of him:
#ukraine #butkevych #luhansk #hrw
#Crimes ‘beyond imagination’: Saudi border guards killed hundreds of migrants, #HRW report says
#MBSmurderer #SaudiArabia #SaudiArabiaCrimes #Yemen #SaudiArabiaWarCrimes #JamalKhashoggi #SaudiArabiaDictatorship
#HumanRights #WomensRights
#womensrights #humanrights #saudiarabiadictatorship #JamalKhashoggi #saudiarabiawarcrimes #yemen #saudiarabiacrimes #saudiarabia #mbsmurderer #hrw #crimes
Rapporto shock di Human Rights Watch: migranti etiopi uccisi dalle guardie saudite
Duas #ArábiaSaudita ou nem por isso?
➡️ A organização não-governamental (ONG) #HumanRightsWatch (HRW) afirmou que os guardas fronteiriços da Arábia Saudita mataram, em pouco mais de um ano, centenas de migrantes da Etiópia na fronteira com o Iémen.
➡️ Al Hilal já gasta mais do que Manchester City em salários
#futebol #direitoshumanos #refugiados #iemen #HumanRights #Humanity #HRW
#hrw #Humanity #HumanRights #iemen #Refugiados #direitoshumanos #futebol #humanrightswatch #arabiasaudita
3 countries accused of mistreating migrants, according to HRW report
#Ethiopia #HRW #migrants #SaudiArabia #Yemen
#Ethiopia #hrw #migrants #saudiarabia #Yemen
I used to watch gore and pretty extreme stuff, but at one point I literally thought I was going to be sick, and had to stop reading.
#HRW: #SaudiArabia security forces systematically #killing #Ethiopian #migrants - UPI.com
#monsters #slaughter #liv #murder #crimesagainsthumanity #migrants #ethiopian #killing #saudiarabia #hrw
Na #ArábiaSaudita:
A organização não-governamental (ONG) #HumanRightsWatch (HRW) afirmou que os guardas fronteiriços da Arábia Saudita mataram, em pouco mais de um ano, centenas de migrantes da Etiópia na fronteira com o Iémen.
Al Hilal já gasta mais do que Manchester City em salários
#futebol #direitoshumanos #refugiados #iemen #HumanRights #Humanity #HRW
#hrw #Humanity #HumanRights #iemen #Refugiados #direitoshumanos #futebol #humanrightswatch #arabiasaudita
"Saudi-arabische Grenzschützer haben einem Bericht der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) zufolge seit Anfang 2022 an der Grenze zum Jemen hunderte Migranten aus Äthiopien getötet."
#saudiarabien #hrw #humanrightswatch #menschenrechte
#Niger, #HRW: “Gli autori del golpe stanno sottoponendo il presidente deposto Mohamed #Bazoum, la sua famiglia e altre persone a trattamenti che vìolano il diritto internazionale” - la Repubblica
Bangladesh: End Political Prosecution of Rights Leaders of the human rights group Odhikar. #hrw https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/10/bangladesh-end-political-prosecution-rights-leaders
Maryland lieutenant governor got funding from donors linked to far-right extremist movement
Critics accuse Aruna Miller of retaliating against those that called out the problematic donations.
#ArunaMiller #maryland #BJP #OFBJP #RSS #HSS #IndianDiaspora #hindutva #HumanRights #HRW #IAMC #NarendraModi #GujaratPogrom #india #UnitedStates
#arunamiller #maryland #BJP #ofbjp #RSS #hss #indiandiaspora #hindutva #humanrights #hrw #IAMC #narendramodi #gujaratpogrom #india #unitedstates
#USAShitShow : Cuts in #PublicHousing put #Low-Income People at Risk
#HRW #HumanRightsWatch April 2022
#housing #housingcrisis #globalhousingcrisis #lowincomehousing #federalhousing
#USAShitShow #PublicHousing #low #hrw #humanrightswatch #housing #housingcrisis #Globalhousingcrisis #LowIncomeHousing #federalhousing #section9housingact