Alison Koleszar · @akoleszar
169 followers · 88 posts · Server

@japipes @HIH_Homeschool we’ve been doing an subscription for electronics— each month scaffolds on the previous month, so they feel less like “one-off” projects than some of the other monthly science subscriptions we’ve tried. Haven’t tried MEL yet, though!


Last updated 2 years ago

J.A. Pipes ✅ · @japipes
56 followers · 179 posts · Server

@akoleszar @HIH_Homeschool If you're just looking for Chemistry enrichment study, MEL Science has a subscription service that sends you a really cool experiment each month.


Last updated 2 years ago

Alison Koleszar · @akoleszar
169 followers · 88 posts · Server

@HIH_Homeschool Currently using SCI/Scientific Connections through Inquiry, level 5— it has good (robust, not superficial) tie-ins with the listed demos, good material to launch going deeper/going down wormholes, isn’t subject-specific (includes , , , etc.), and is !

#hschat #secular #geology #biology #chemistry

Last updated 2 years ago

MooseTasha · @Tasha
9 followers · 78 posts · Server

@HIH_Homeschool we haven't used curriculums. Enjoy following their interests in discussion, TV shows, documentaries, internet searches, websites, books book books, museums, workshops. My eldest asks for in person classes in her fave things after rejecting all classes for her younger years. Am I missing out on some great curriculums?


Last updated 2 years ago

Alessa Giampaolo Keener · @alessa_ed
614 followers · 1543 posts · Server

@jillithd Oh, sandbox games for and . I would love to know more about specific ones you liked best, please.

#hschat #unschooling #homeschooling #Physics

Last updated 2 years ago

Jill · @jillithd
121 followers · 1041 posts · Server

@HIH_Homeschool We do and my child is a big fan of video games.

For History, I was amazed at how much he learned from TABS (Totally Accurate Battle Similator) with weapon types and mythic creatures.

For science, sandbox physics games where he can experiment with flammability, explosiveness, and structural durability.

Spore has been a great game about evolution, choosing and using traits as you evolve a creature.

He picked these games himself!

#hschat #unschooling

Last updated 2 years ago

HandInHand Homeschool · @HIH_Homeschool
71 followers · 189 posts · Server

Good Sunday, , , , & families. Week 2 slow is all about history and science curriculum. Tell us your favorite. What did you like most about it? How did your kids engage with it? OR, flip the questions and tell us about your least favorite curriculum & why you feel like you wasted $$ on it.

Remember: Use the hashtag in replies & check back throughout the week for replies so you can keep the convo going.

#homeschool #homeeducation #unschooling #selfdirectedlearning #hschat

Last updated 2 years ago

J.A. Pipes ✅ · @japipes
56 followers · 179 posts · Server

@HIH_Homeschool Early on, we used things like Tapestry of Grace, Singapore Math, and a selection of things from the Well-Trained Mind. Now that the kids are older, it's more of a mish-mash of whatever has the best reviews. Selecting curricula and textbooks is probably one of the most challenging parts, really. My wife does the heavy lifting in this area, so I give her all the credit.


Last updated 2 years ago

J.A. Pipes · @japipes
56 followers · 162 posts · Server

@HIH_Homeschool My wife and I have homeschooled our two kids since Kindergarten, and my oldest is now a high school junior. We often find ourselves caught between the homeschoolers who do it purely for religious reasons, and the "unschoolers" who just want to thumb their nose at the establishment. We chose to home educate to have control over the curriculum. Safety wasn't initially a reason, but it has become a reason we value it.


Last updated 2 years ago

HandInHand Homeschool · @HIH_Homeschool
71 followers · 189 posts · Server

@shaninthewoods Taking the ego out of and the parent side of << yes to this. I think the hardest part is having faith that the lulls will eventually lead to learning leaps.

#unschooling #sdl #selfdirectedlearning #learning #hschat

Last updated 2 years ago

HandInHand Homeschool · @HIH_Homeschool
71 followers · 189 posts · Server

@shaninthewoods You're not a imposter at all. All kinds if kids go to traditional brick and mortar school for middle and or high school. One of mine did 1/2 year of 8th grade, all of 9th, and part time 10th before coming back home to finish high school. You've got to do what works for your family.

#homeschool #hschat

Last updated 2 years ago

HandInHand Homeschool · @HIH_Homeschool
71 followers · 189 posts · Server

@Geefeconomie I used an approach when my kids were younger. Technically we still did as they were older, but textbooks became a part of their learning experience once they got to high school level material and it was clear a science degree was in the future for one kiddo so had to become more systematic so they could reach their goals.

#unschooling #sdl #homeschooling #hschat

Last updated 2 years ago

Petra 🦎 Geefeconomie · @Geefeconomie
668 followers · 1954 posts · Server

@HIH_Homeschool What is the most challenging part about our kids? Hmmm...we really enjoy it, so nothing really hard. When I have to think of something it is the pressure from other people (homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers) about the 'social skills' and how almost everyone assumes they are non existing when you unschool/homeschool.

#homeschooling #hschat #unschooling #homeeducator

Last updated 2 years ago

Petra 🦎 Geefeconomie · @Geefeconomie
668 followers · 1954 posts · Server

@HIH_Homeschool Hey, great to meet you all!

I am Petra from the Netherlands, currently living in our camper in Portugal. We believe in complete natural learning for our two kids (7 and 3 yo). That means we don't offer 'schoolwork', we just live our lives and our kids experience everything they need to develope themselves (creatively, cognitive and personally). I works really well, our kids are happy, giving and clever.


#hschat #unschooling

Last updated 2 years ago

HandInHand Homeschool · @HIH_Homeschool
71 followers · 189 posts · Server

@japipes You can respond to this thread OR you create your own. Just remember to use in your response **and** to set the hashtag to show up in your Masto feed so you don't miss other people responding throughout the next few days. Each week we'll have a different topic question that we'll pose. If you have any suggestions for slow chat queries, by all means throw them out and we'll put them on the list.


Last updated 2 years ago

HandInHand Homeschool · @HIH_Homeschool
71 followers · 189 posts · Server

@Geefeconomie @esnyder @JennyAnyDot
Tagging you all in case you'd like to join the slow homeschool chat this week that was started upthread.


Last updated 2 years ago

HandInHand Homeschool · @HIH_Homeschool
71 followers · 189 posts · Server

My intro: My name is Alessa and you'll find my personal Masto account @alessa_ed. I'm in the US and my kids from K into college, mostly as a single parent. I still volunteer my time with my state's advocacy organization. I also do compliance reviews for VA families. My biggest challenge was being outstripped by my kids' academic needs with advanced science and trying to find affordable, quality resources that would meet their needs.

#hschat #homeschooled #secularhomeschool

Last updated 2 years ago

Jax · @Liveotherwise
433 followers · 2841 posts · Server

@HIH_Homeschool Ah, so good to see this kick off!

I've 4 children, 2 now adult. We've mainly home educated, with a child led/ unschooling/ negotiated style. The two eldest did some time in montessori when young, then each went into some form of mainstream, their choice around 14/15 to get qualifications.

The younger two, currently 13 and 10 have not done any mainstream education, although they have accessed groups and activities.

Biggest challenge is balancing everything with work


Last updated 2 years ago

HandInHand Homeschool · @HIH_Homeschool
71 followers · 189 posts · Server

Hey , , and families: Today’s a good day to start that slow chat we talked about before the new year - where we pose a question and folks take time to repsond to the thread throughout the coming days? The goal is to create a supportive community for those who chose to educate their kids at home.

Wk 1 : Briefly intro yourself & describe your philosophy. What's the most challenging part of educating your own kids?

#homeeducation #unschooling #selfdirectedlearning #sdl #hschat #homeschool

Last updated 2 years ago