Over the last half year, I've spent time with PKCS #11 and PIV hardware security devices. In particular, using such devices in the #OpenPGP context.
Entry points for results of this work:
- https://codeberg.org/heiko/openpgp-pkcs11
- https://codeberg.org/heiko/openpgp-piv
- https://codeberg.org/heiko/pkcs11-openpgp-notes
One particular focus was building CI testing infrastructure (including https://gitlab.com/hkos/virtual-piv/), to make future work on these codebases easier (and hopefully fun).
[This work was funded by @sovtechfund]
Troy, Gabriella – Start of Something New (From “High School Musical”) https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1783639/global-beauties/
#Disney #disneychannel #From #gabriella #Gabriellasong #High #highschoolmusical #hsm #MUSICAL #New #Records #School #SOMETHING #SOUNDTRACK #START #StartofSomethingNew #TROY #TroyandGabriella #vanessahudgens #Walt #zacefron #ヴァネッサ・ハジェンズ
#disney #disneychannel #from #gabriella #gabriellasong #high #highschoolmusical #hsm #musical #new #records #school #something #soundtrack #start #startofsomethingnew #troy #troyandgabriella #vanessahudgens #walt #zacefron #ヴァネッサ・ハジェンズ
Just released: Cybersecurity & Encryption Overview Cheat Sheet by DaveLee
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/davelee/cheat-sheets/cybersecurity-and-encryption-overview/?utm_source=mastodon
Here's their description of it: General Cybersecurity and Encryption terms explained
@cheatsheets #CheatSheet #CheatSheets #security #encryption #key #cybersecurity #keys #hsm
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #security #encryption #key #cybersecurity #keys #hsm
ALICE IN WONDERLAND | Potion Magic Clip | Official Disney UK https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1752957/global-beauties/
#3d #4L1C31NW8ND3RLAND #alice #ANNE #bonham #Burton #BUZZ #Carter #Climb #Cyrus #Depp #Digital #Disney #efron #Full #Hannah #Hathaway #hatter #helene #High #hsm #HSM2 #Hsm3 #IMAX #In #Johnny #MAD #Miley #Montana #MUSICAL #New #Official #Pixar #Rabbit #School #STORY #THE #TIM #TOY #TRAILER #Trailers #tròn #up #Walt #white #Wonderland #Woody #ZAC #アン・ハサウェイ
#3d #4l1c31nw8nd3rland #alice #anne #bonham #burton #buzz #carter #climb #cyrus #depp #digital #disney #Efron #full #hannah #Hathaway #hatter #helene #high #hsm #hsm2 #hsm3 #imax #in #johnny #mad #miley #montana #musical #new #official #pixar #rabbit #school #story #the #tim #toy #trailer #trailers #tron #up #walt #white #wonderland #woody #zac #アン・ハサウェイ
Auditor app version 69 released: https://github.com/GrapheneOS/Auditor/releases/tag/69.
See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release and a link to the full changelog.
Forum discussion thread:
See https://attestation.app/about and https://attestation.app/tutorial for info about the app and optional monitoring service.
#GrapheneOS #privacy #security #android #attestation #VerifiedBoot #MeasuredBoot #HSM #SecureElement #auditor
#grapheneos #privacy #security #android #attestation #verifiedboot #measuredboot #hsm #secureelement #auditor
Any #PKCS11 experts who want to chime in on this discussion, whether or not to mark private keys as unmodifiable? #cryptography #HSM #security #BestPractices https://github.com/NLnetLabs/krill/issues/1018
#pkcs11 #cryptography #hsm #security #bestpractices
Vanessa Hudgens – Let’s Dance – HSM Concert (Live) https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1649772/global-beauties/
#And #back #beastly #COME #CONCERT #Concerto #concierto #dance #Disney #efron #ezeeblue #ezeegreen #Gimmie #High #Hollywood #hsm #Hudgens #Identified #Let #Lets #LIVE #Me #Music #MUSICAL #musicpromotergroup #Official #OK! #punch #Records #say! #School #Shelter #Sneakernight #Sucker #there #Tisdale #Vanessa #video #VIVO #was #when #YOU #ZAC #ヴァネッサ・ハジェンズ
#and #back #beastly #come #concert #concerto #concierto #dance #disney #Efron #ezeeblue #ezeegreen #gimmie #high #hollywood #hsm #Hudgens #identified #let #lets #live #me #music #musical #musicpromotergroup #official #ok #punch #records #say #school #shelter #sneakernight #sucker #there #tisdale #vanessa #video #vivo #was #when #you #zac #ヴァネッサ・ハジェンズ
Auditor app version 68 released: https://github.com/GrapheneOS/Auditor/releases/tag/68.
See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release and a link to the full changelog.
Forum discussion thread:
See https://attestation.app/about and https://attestation.app/tutorial for info about the app and optional monitoring service.
#GrapheneOS #privacy #security #android #attestation #VerifiedBoot #MeasuredBoot #HSM #SecureElement
#grapheneos #privacy #security #android #attestation #verifiedboot #measuredboot #hsm #secureelement
@mrautio For those looking for a true hosted #PaymentHSM solution that is #multicloud, there are 5 PHSMaaS vendors in #Equinix who can do this in a few global locations. #PCIpin #cloud #hsm #AWS
#paymenthsm #multicloud #equinix #pcipin #cloud #hsm #aws
AWS managed to PCI PIN certify their CloudHSM as the first one of the big cloud service providers. Awesome feat! Next up PCI P2PE?
No sé si habréis dado una oportunidad a High School Musical: El Musical: La serie, pero necesito que conozcáis esta increíble canción que me reventó la cabeza cuando la escuché por primera vez:
Android 13 QPR1 fixed the issues we reported with hardware-based attestation via the secure element for the Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6a, Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro.
Our Auditor app can now make full use of the bleeding edge hardware-based attestation features on these devices.
#grapheneos #privacy #security #attestation #hsm #verifiedboot #secureboot #measuredboot #android
#grapheneos #privacy #security #attestation #hsm #verifiedboot #secureboot #measuredboot #android
Auditor app version 67 released: https://github.com/GrapheneOS/Auditor/releases/tag/67.
See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release and a link to the full changelog.
Forum discussion thread:
See https://attestation.app/about and https://attestation.app/tutorial for info about the app and optional monitoring service.
#grapheneos #privacy #security #attestation #hsm #verifiedboot #secureboot #measuredboot
#grapheneos #privacy #security #attestation #hsm #verifiedboot #secureboot #measuredboot
Now, Bart Bakker (RIPE-NCC) about the freedomisation ("open sourcing", for the suits) of the sofware that manages the RIPE #RPKI trust anchor.
More high-risk security issues found with source code review than with black-box pentest.
Some problems: depend on a proprietary #HSM library. Also assumes some RIPE-NCC services which may not be available outside.
#Balance 📝| El Centro de Defensa del Pueblo #HSM anunció su balance de guerra para 2021. Las fuerzas de la guerrilla realizaron 742 acciones y 861 soldados turcos fueron abatidos. https://t.co/MbVm61PqVA via @RojavaAzadi@twitter.com #Kurdistan #FreeÖcalan #bashur #HPG #YJAStar #turquia #Erdogan #LausanneFailure #ISIS #PKK #europa #feminisme #jineolojî #jineologi #Shengal #yazidigenocide #Afrin #Rojava
#balance #hsm #kurdistan #freeöcalan #bashur #hpg #yjastar #turquia #erdogan #LausanneFailure #isis #pkk #europa #feminisme #jineolojî #jineologi #shengal #yazidigenocide #afrin #rojava
Als hätten wir's geahnt: Die Bundesregierung (!) hält das Risiko, dass die #BRAK und deren Dienstleister alle (!) über das #beA versandten Nachrichten entschlüsseln können (wg. der im #HSM angelegten "Umschlüsselung"), für "akzeptabel". So viel zur "Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung"!
Hardware-Sicherheitsmodul (Hardware Security Module, #HSM)
Bring Your Own Key (#BYOK)
Bring Your Own Encryption (#BYOE)
Hold Your Own Key (#HYOK)
"Datenverschlüsselung in der Cloud"
von Tomaso Vasella
#hsm #BYOK #BYOE #HYOK #DoubleKeyEncryption #Tokenisierung
Bitte unterstützen Sie eine #Klage der Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte e.V. (#GFF) und diverser Anwältinnen/Anwälte für ein sicheres Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsseltes (#E2EE) „besonderes elektronisches Anwaltspostfach“ (#beA) ohne eine unterwegs erfolgende Umschlüsselung der Nachrichten in einem Hardware-Sicherheit-Modul (#HSM)