TransRegINT der Hochschule Rhein-Waal on LinkedIn: #transregint #zukunft #innovation #hsrw
>Ihr habt eine Idee 💡 für ein innovatives Projekt, um die Zukunft in Kleve nachhaltiger zu gestalten? Dann nehmt teil am Nachhaltigkeitswettbewerb Klever…
#transregint #zukunft #innovation #hsrw
Wir freuen uns das Seed-Panel zum Thema:
📌#CapacityBuilding for #Sustainable #Development – foundations, significance and prospects of a concept in its thirties
auf der EADI-CEsA Konferenz in Lissabon anzukündigen:
📢 #Call for Abstracts:
Submit an extended #abstract (up to 600 words) by December 18, here:
Wir freuen uns auf konzeptionelle, theoretische, empirische, angewandte Beiträge #CapacityDevelopment .
#capacitybuilding #sustainable #development #call #abstract #capacitydevelopment #sustainability #research #newdevrhythms #hsrw #sdgs #eadi
📢 #Call for Abstracts:
#CapacityBuilding for #Sustainable #Development – foundations, significance and prospects of a concept in its thirties
📌 Submit an extended #abstract (up to 600 words) by December 18, here:
We invite contributions that cover conceptual understanding, significance and trends, practical applications, impact evaluations, critique, and alternatives to #CapacityDevelopment .
#eadi #sdgs #hsrw #newdevrhythms #research #sustainability #capacitydevelopment #abstract #development #sustainable #capacitybuilding #call
📢 #Call for Abstracts:
#CapacityBuilding for #Sustainable #Development – foundations, significance and prospects of a concept in its thirties
📌 Submit an extended #abstract (up to 600 words) by December 18, here:
We invite contributions that cover conceptual understanding, significance and trends, practical applications, impact evaluations, critique, and alternatives to #CapacityDevelopment .
#eadi #sdgs #hsrw #newdevrhythms #research #sustainability #capacitydevelopment #abstract #development #sustainable #capacitybuilding #call