While for the Group-56 exam, for appointment to various Class-3 jobs, the minimum qualification is graduation, that for the Group-56 exam is Class-12. Both exams are conducted by Haryana staff selection commission
#HSSC #Group-56
Razor: #Friodur 14
Brush: #Zenith B21
Lather: #AustralianPrivateReserve Raconteur
Aftershave: #HighlandSpringsSoapCo #HSSC Eclipse balm
The Friodur 14, Raconteur, and Eclipse are all treasured items in my den, and I'm addition of being on theme, this is also a fantastic shave in general.
#wetshaving #StraightRazor #ThemeThursday #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay
#apr #friodur #zenith #australianprivatereserve #highlandspringssoapco #hssc #wetshaving #straightrazor #themethursday #sotd #shaveoftheday
Razor: #Friodur 14
Brush: #Zenith B21
Lather: #AustralianPrivateReserve Raconteur
Aftershave: #HighlandSpringsSoapCo #HSSC Eclipse balm
The Friodur 14, Raconteur, and Eclipse are all treasured items in my den, and I'm addition of being on theme, this is also a fantastic shave in general.
#wetshaving #StraightRazor #ThemeThursday #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay
#apr #friodur #zenith #australianprivatereserve #highlandspringssoapco #hssc #wetshaving #straightrazor #themethursday #sotd #shaveoftheday