Here is the detailed time table from last years #HTCondor Workshop in Cuneo, Italy 🍷 . The main focus was on distributed high-throughput computing #dHTC. *Remember*: submit locally, run globally. Because (most) users don't care where it runs, as long as the #TtC is good.
I will be heading to Orsay, France 🥐 this September for the European #HTCondor Workshop. If anyone from #HPC or #CloudNative land are interested in learning more about distributed research computing, give me a wave. 👋🏻
👋 any #HTCondor users around here? After a long time away from it, I'm back to administering our local HTCondor pool, and it would be nice to have like-minded Mastodon contacts.
Right now testing the HTCondor + Ganglia integration...
#intro I support cool academic research by helping people access the computing power they need. #HTCondor #OSG
In my Ample Spare Time, I have too many hobbies, mostly at the intersection of (human) languages, education, and computing. #日本語 #Svenska #Hrvatski #العربية #Rails #Unity #Swift #Julia
Also love #math, #physics, #astronomy, #space, #music, #cooking, #gardening, and #scifi. Proud father of three amazing young women! #LGBTQ #ASD
#intro #htcondor #osg #日本語 #svenska #hrvatski #العربية #rails #unity #swift #julia #math #physics #Astronomy #space #music #cooking #gardening #scifi #lgbtq #asd