Tolle Leistungen unserer Schüler:innen beim 36. #CloudflightCodingContest im Wiener Rathaus.
Zahlreiche Schüler:innen 👩🏽💻👨🏻💻 der Informatik-Abteilung nahmen am europaweit Wettbewerb im Wiener Rathaus teil und bewiesen nicht nur echte Codingqualitäten sondern auch echtes Teamwork!
👏🏻 Glückwünsche an unsere überragenden Programmierer am 2. und 3. Platz. 🙌🏻
Wir freuen uns schon auf den nächsten Wettbewerb
#cloudflightcodingcontest #htldonaustadt #htldonaustadtinformatik
Happily released my crash course about #FiniteStateMachines / #EndlicheAutomaten in 58 minutes spread over 11 videos.
It addresses #Acceptors, #MealyMachines and #MooreMachines by example with a little theory.
Presentations (ppsx) and some preliminary code (C# and Java) are freely available at
Videos and materials are in German only, sorry.
#informatikEdu #informatik #htldonaustadt #htldonaustadtinformatik
#FiniteStateMachines #EndlicheAutomaten #Acceptors #MealyMachines #MooreMachines #informatikEdu #informatik #htldonaustadt #htldonaustadtinformatik
Happily released my crash course about #FiniteStateMachines / #EndlicheAutomaten in 58 minutes spread over 11 videos.
It addresses #Acceptors, #MealyMachines and #MooreMachines by example with a little theory.
Presentations (ppsx) and some preliminary code (C# and Java) is freely available at
Videos and materials are in German only, sorry.
#informatikEdu #informatik #htldonaustadt #htldonaustadtinformatik
#FiniteStateMachines #EndlicheAutomaten #Acceptors #MealyMachines #MooreMachines #informatikEdu #informatik #htldonaustadt #htldonaustadtinformatik
I ❤️ coding contests with students. 😎 Around 15 teams of our computer science department at #htldonaustadt coded at the #schoolccc (2 hours) and #classicccc (4 hours) in the Vienna city hall. 👩🏽💻🧑🏼💻👨🏻💻Great to see so much coding brilliance, teamwork and ambition and - most important - young fellows just having fun while coding! 🍿🧃That makes my heart sing as teacher and code enthusiast! 🤗 #htldonaustadtinformatik #cloudflightcodingcontest
#htldonaustadt #schoolccc #classicccc #htldonaustadtinformatik #cloudflightcodingcontest