Madras high court grants equal property rights to a home-maker, saying her contribution to a marriage is same as that of her earning husband.
Plus the week’s other gender news in @namitabhandare’s newsletter, #HTMindTheGap
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India is up eight notches in #WorldEconomicForum’s annual gender ranking. And Iceland is #1 for women, again, for the 14th year in a row. @namitabhandare’s newsletter, #HTMindtheGap looks at why. Plus the week’s other gender stories
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#worldeconomicforum #htmindthegap #press
#HTMindTheGap | #Scoop on @Netflix delivers a message about ambitious women. Why is a trait so desirable in men such a loaded word for us? Plus charges filed against #BrijBhushanSharan Singh (but #POCSO is missing). In Karnataka, the Congress govt gets down to work, repealing the… #press
#htmindthegap #scoop #brijbhushansharan #pocso #press