I know that the devs of @enhance_dev had the best intentions, but their #htmlFirst #web #framework is causing me to revert to my style="" and onlick="" attribute using web-savage roots. #enhance #webDev #html #javaScript #css
#css #javascript #html #webdev #enhance #framework #web #htmlfirst
Taught myself #webcomponents for a budget app I'm working on for my bootcamp. Didn't see the need for a full Angular app so I went simple and it's working pretty good so far!
#webcomponents #javascript #minialcode #htmlfirst
"aria-label is a code smell" — great article detailing issues with using aria-label https://ericwbailey.website/published/aria-label-is-a-code-smell/ by @ericwbailey #aria #webdev #a11y #htmlFirst
#htmlfirst #a11y #webdev #aria