Hey #AskFedi,
I'm thinking of writing an article about browsing Web 1.0 in the modern world (i.e., no JS, sometimes no CSS, sometimes no graphics at all).
Do any of you guys use online services that work well without JS?
Care to share for my post? :D
Y'all are amazing #FediFriends <3
#askfedi #fedifriends #nojs #htmlolfia #theoldweb #web1 #webonepointzero
@sotolf @Anachron @benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @sirber @fbievan
Don't forget to sign up for the #htmLOLfia ;)
Every time I launch a web browser:
(to myself): "Welp, let's fire up three hundred megabytes of disappointment!"
It's a joke I started a few months ago.
After I coined the hashtag #CasioCult after the trend on the fediverse (and especially #fosstodon) of ditching "smart" watches for "dumb" Casios, I wanted something similar to bring together people who hated the JS-beleagured, slow-and-abusive modern web.
So I figured, if we have a Casio CULT, what about an HTML *MAFIA*?
And then just so people know it's a joke, I put LOL in the middle of the name. ;)
#CasioCult #fosstodon #htmlolfia
This dude's answer made me smile:
Pastebin raw text version, for my #htmLOLfia #noJS peeps:
I think there's an actual no-js site and/or webring, check with @kev and @joel
But yeah, welcome to the #htmLOLfia!
That's ok! I don't think anyone's used #htmLOLfia in quite some time, but I kinda love it, so there it is ;)
#CasioCult gets a lot of traffic, I believe.
Oh my goodness... where do I even start with hashtags. We have "actual" (tongue-in-cheek) cult hashtags on mastodon, like
#CasioCult - fans of casio watches, and not smartwatches
#htmLOLfia - the HTML (No Javascript) mafia
I actually use hashtags to organize some of my own toots for easy reference, like:
#CasioCult #htmlolfia #rldanewriting #LossyPNG #tootlog
My hope is that it would strike a conversation and cause people to share #PeerTube links more.
Perhaps we should do a #PeerTubeTuesday? :D
Attention #CasioCult and #HTMlolFia! I'm spinning off a new #hashtag!
It's #PeerTubeTuesday!
Here's a channel I *SOMEHOW* neglected to mention in my blog post:
Check them out and post your own #PeerTubeTuesday links! (Please? ;)
#peertube #peertubetuesday #CasioCult #htmlolfia #hashtag
Where's the #HTMLolFia at?
I'm gonna go blow up JS, who's going to slash Google's tires?
> Can't hurt, as long as you don't start a cult or mafia... because that's MY job.
> #CasioCult
> #HTMlolFia
> X'-D
To be fair, I only came up with the hashtag. It was really @joel and @kev's fault ^___^
#CasioCult #htmlolfia #casio #happycultist
Can't hurt, as long as you don't start a cult or mafia... because that's MY job.
Check out our #HTMlolFia. We're recruiting (read: absolutely no one expressed any interest beyond the initial core team of people sick of JS, lol ;)
@RL_Dane I found someone even more extreme than our #HTMLolFia
@tdarb has his site https://xhtml.club/ which advocates for HTML only (yet oddly uses CSS - albeit minimally)
Hey #CasioCult-ists,
Just FYI, we're forming a tangential mafia to the cult, called the #HTMLolFia (html - lol - fia)
Come one, come all! Spruce up your groovy no-js html + css website show it off on Mastodon with our new tag!