SecurityOnline: HTMLSmuggler: JS payload generator for IDS bypass and payload delivery via HTML smuggling #JSpayloadgenerator #WebExploitation #HtmlSmuggling
#jspayloadgenerator #webexploitation #htmlsmuggling
SecurityOnline: HTMLSmuggler: JS payload generator for IDS bypass and payload delivery via HTML smuggling #JSpayloadgenerator #WebExploitation #HtmlSmuggling
#jspayloadgenerator #webexploitation #htmlsmuggling
SecurityOnline: HTMLSmuggler: JS payload generator for IDS bypass and payload delivery via HTML smuggling #JSpayloadgenerator #WebExploitation #HtmlSmuggling
#jspayloadgenerator #webexploitation #htmlsmuggling
SecurityOnline: Html Smuggling: hide malware payloads in an encoded script #SocialEngineering #HtmlSmuggling #Exploitation
#socialengineering #htmlsmuggling #exploitation
SecurityOnline: Html Smuggling: hide malware payloads in an encoded script #SocialEngineering #HtmlSmuggling #Exploitation
#socialengineering #htmlsmuggling #exploitation
Catch up on last week's infosec news with our latest newsletter:
#RaspberryRobin continues to improve its evasion mechanisms, extracting more data from victims in the Financial sector.
#Dridex developers look to be dabbling in creating a Mac variant - but aren't quite there yet.
#HTMLSmuggling is being used increasingly over the past few months by heavy-hitting first stage malware such as Qakbot, IcedID and BumbleBee - make sure you understand how it works and how to spot it.
#infosec #CyberAttack #Hacked #cyber #cybernews #infosec #infosecnews #informationsecurity #cybersecurity #hacking #security #technology #hacker #vulnerability #vulnerabilities
#RaspberryRobin #dridex #htmlsmuggling #infosec #cyberattack #hacked #cyber #cybernews #infosecnews #informationsecurity #cybersecurity #hacking #security #technology #hacker #vulnerability #vulnerabilities
HTML smugglers turn to SVG images - HTML smuggling is a technique attackers use to hide an encoded malicious script within an... #htmlsmuggling #qakbot
Found more files today (Tuesday, 2022-12-13) for #HTMLsmuggling leading to #CobaltStrike.
Same IP address for Cobalt Strike C2 server.
Same persistence method
But this time it's HTML file --> .js --> HTTP traffic for .ps1 --> Cobalt Strike C2.
Instead of the .ps1 file in a disk image, it's hosted on a web server retrieved (in this case) by the .js file smuggled through the HTML attachment.
IOCs from today available at:
From Twitter:
2022-12-09 (Friday) - #HTMLsmuggling that led to #Qakbot (#Qbot) with a distribution/botnet tag of "azd"
Malware samples, #pcap, and IOCs available at:
I assume the HTML file I found on VT was sent through email, even though I have no proof. But where else would it have come from?
Distribution chain: HTML file (possibly from email) --> password-protected zip archive --> extracted ISO image with .img file extension.
Maybe distributors for Qakbot have stopped using .vhd images like they've been doing since December 1st.
#htmlsmuggling #qakbot #qbot #pcap
2022-12-01 (Thursday) - obama224 distribution #Qakbot (#Bot) #HTMLsmuggling
Infection chain:
email --> HTML attachment --> password-protected zip archive --> extracted .vhd image --> Windows shortcut in .vhd image runs hidden Qakbot DLL in the same .vhd image
Three things about this Qakbot campaign using .vhd files:
1) You need administrative privileges to mount a .vhd file. Normal users in an AD environment cannot mount these.
2) Even when I used a domain admin password, those .vhd images wouldn't mount in an AD environment.
3) The .vhd images mounted just fine on a stand-alone Win 10 host.
Does the threat actor behind this wave of Qakbot want to get into a high-value AD environment? If so, this method won't be very effective.
A victim would have to infect a stand-alone host, then someone would have to connect that to an AD environment.
Maybe someone's personal laptop? I don't know how this would reasonably work.
Researchers Warn of Active Malware Campaign Using HTML Smuggling - A recently uncovered, active campaign called "Duri" makes use of HTML smuggling to deliver malware... #krishnansubramanian #javascriptblobs #malwarecampaign #cloudservices #htmlsmuggling #menlosecurity #websecurity #coronavirus #podcasts #pandemic #malware #covid #duri
#duri #covid #malware #pandemic #podcasts #coronavirus #websecurity #menlosecurity #htmlsmuggling #cloudservices #malwarecampaign #javascriptblobs #krishnansubramanian