Ever needed a quick #httpServer to serve up some local files?
I always use the basic python built-in module (http.server), but it has a few limitations like not being able to turn off CORS protection.
But I just found this project, which supports that and also has a few cool features like rendering markdown files and basic HTTP auth.
#httpserver #http #developerstoolbox #developers
Is there a simple open-source #HTTPserver out there that, out of the box, does GET, POST and PUT by reading from *and writing to* the #filesystem? (Yes, I know about the security problems with this; right now, I don't care about them.)
How To Quickly Serve Files And Folders Over HTTP In Linux #FileServer #HTTPServer #Linux #miniserve #Nodejs #Python #Quickserve #Ruby #Rust #simplehttpserver
#simplehttpserver #Rust #Ruby #quickserve #Python #NodeJS #miniserve #Linux #httpserver #fileserver