I've now read through quite a bit of code that flys around to drive the #HUB75 panels. Ultimately, I have to praise the @adafruit code (i.e. https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Protomatter/blob/master/src/core.c) by @PaintYourDragon (found only on the birdsite). I love #code to be concise, educational and visually appealing ;-)
#Rust: I made the toolchain work on the #ESP32. Some versioning woes, but nothing serious. Also got the #LED panel to work with the #embedded_graphics and the #hub75 driver. However I think I want to make a DMA version. Manual banging pins seems silly.
#rust #esp32 #led #embedded_graphics #hub75
A Private View of a Public Transport Sign - [Stefan Schüller] was a fan of the LED signs that display arrival information for ... - https://hackaday.com/2022/11/12/a-private-view-of-a-public-transport-sign/ #publictransportation #transportationhacks #publictransport #rgbledmatrix #esp32 #hub75 #bdf
#bdf #hub75 #esp32 #rgbledmatrix #publictransport #transportationhacks #publictransportation