Hawaii's Keck Observatory can deliver near-infrared images three to four times sharper than the Hubble Space Telescope.
#science #sciencefacts #keckobservatory #hubblespacetelescope
#science #sciencefacts #keckobservatory #hubblespacetelescope
Gizmodo: Webb Telescope Image Suggests Even the Most Distant Star Has Company https://gizmodo.com/webb-telescope-image-most-distant-star-company-1850726205 #jameswebbspacetelescope #gravitationallensing #macsj1149lensedstar1 #hubblespacetelescope #intergalacticstars #technologyinternet #gravitationallens #humaninterest #galaxycluster #brianwelch #whl0137ls #earendel #galaxy #cetus #webb
#jameswebbspacetelescope #gravitationallensing #macsj1149lensedstar1 #hubblespacetelescope #intergalacticstars #technologyinternet #gravitationallens #humaninterest #galaxycluster #brianwelch #whl0137ls #earendel #galaxy #cetus #webb
Jonge exoplaneet boert waterstof in zijn baan om zijn moederster
Een proces dat foto-evaporatie wordt genoemd is een mogelijke verklaring voor verschillende kenmerken binnen de demografie van exoplaneten. Atmosferische ontsnapping waargenomen in jonge exoplaneten ter grootte van Neptunus
#atmosfeer #AUMIcroscopii #exoplaneet #HubbleSpaceTelescope #superaarde #waterstof
#waterstof #superaarde #hubblespacetelescope #exoplaneet #aumicroscopii #atmosfeer
Gizmodo: Cosmic Question Mark Spotted in Deep Space Suggests the Universe Is Stumped https://gizmodo.com/question-mark-spotted-in-deep-space-webb-telescope-1850693160 #jameswebbspacetelescope #hubblespacetelescope #technologyinternet #infraredtelescopes #interactinggalaxy #spacetelescopes #spiralgalaxy #mattcaplan #milkyway #galaxy #webb
#jameswebbspacetelescope #hubblespacetelescope #technologyinternet #infraredtelescopes #interactinggalaxy #spacetelescopes #spiralgalaxy #mattcaplan #milkyway #galaxy #webb
A new, thin-lensed telescope design could far surpass James Webb - Enlarge / A light, cheap space telescope design would make it possible ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1953281 #jameswebbspacetelescope #hubblespacetelescope #planetaryexploration #spacetelescopes #syndication #science #space
#space #science #syndication #spacetelescopes #planetaryexploration #hubblespacetelescope #jameswebbspacetelescope
Ars Technica: A new, thin-lensed telescope design could far surpass James Webb https://arstechnica.com/?p=1953281 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope #HubbleSpaceTelescope #Planetaryexploration #spacetelescopes #syndication #Science #Space
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope #hubblespacetelescope #planetaryexploration #spacetelescopes #syndication #science #space
Gizmodo: The Webb Space Telescope's Best Images, One Year On https://gizmodo.com/webb-space-telescope-best-images-one-year-anniversary-1850630719 #jameswebbspacetelescope #carinasagittariusarm #hubblespacetelescope #webbspacetelescope #technologyinternet #pillarsofcreation #klauspontoppidan #messierobjects #spiralgalaxy #edwinhubble #eaglenebula #nebulawebb #ngcobjects #serpens #nebula #galaxy #biden
#jameswebbspacetelescope #carinasagittariusarm #hubblespacetelescope #webbspacetelescope #technologyinternet #pillarsofcreation #klauspontoppidan #messierobjects #spiralgalaxy #edwinhubble #eaglenebula #nebulawebb #ngcobjects #serpens #nebula #galaxy #biden
Gizmodo: Webb Telescope Spots Potential Fuel for Early Universe in Supernovae Debris https://gizmodo.com/webb-telescope-early-universe-fuel-supernovae-debris-1850606363 #jameswebbspacetelescope #hubblespacetelescope #technologyinternet #supernovaremnants #melissashahbandeh #stellarevolution #kenichinomoto #environment #cosmicdust #supernova #astronomy #sn1987a #spitzer #orifox #webb
#jameswebbspacetelescope #hubblespacetelescope #technologyinternet #supernovaremnants #melissashahbandeh #stellarevolution #kenichinomoto #environment #cosmicdust #supernova #astronomy #sn1987a #spitzer #orifox #webb
Astronomers See the Same Supernova Four Times Thanks to a Gravitational Lens https://www.universetoday.com/161936/astronomers-see-the-same-supernova-four-times-thanks-to-a-gravitational-lens/ #verylargetelescope(vlt) #zwickytransientfacility #gravitationallensing #hubblespacetelescope #w.m.keckobservatory #generalrelativity #typeiasupernova #einsteinring #astronomy #supernova #suprenova #featured #snzwicky
#verylargetelescope #zwickytransientfacility #gravitationallensing #hubblespacetelescope #w #generalrelativity #typeiasupernova #EinsteinRing #astronomy #supernova #suprenova #featured #snzwicky
Ars Technica: Satellites keep photobombing space images. Astronomers need a fix https://arstechnica.com/?p=1947734 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #low-earthorbitsatellites #HubbleSpaceTelescope #satellites #astronomy #Science #Space
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #low #hubblespacetelescope #satellites #Astronomy #science #space
Satellites keep photobombing space images. Astronomers need a fix - Enlarge / A Hubble image of a pair of colliding galaxies, with a satell... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1947734 #low-earthorbitsatellites #hubblespacetelescope #satellites #astronomy #science #space
#space #science #astronomy #satellites #hubblespacetelescope #low
"Hubble Scientists Develop Software Fix for Satellite Streaks in Images" by @Gizmodo / @isaac_schultz_ - #HubbleSpaceTelescope🔭 view from low orbit gets increasing streaks from satellites🛰️ in higher orbits. New software cleans them out. https://gizmodo.com/hubble-scientists-software-fix-satellite-streaks-images-1850530923 #NASA #astronomy
#astronomy #nasa #hubblespacetelescope
The #HubbleSpaceTelescope is working for us again! This time the bot actually pulled the correct picture -- look at how cute our galaxy is!! 🤩
Excuse me while I'm being giddy... but #HubbleSpaceTelescope is carrying out MY observations right. this. second. (and for the next ~30 min)!!!! 🥹 #firstHSTobservation
P.S. I don't know what this image is all about, but my galaxy looks a lot more exciting than this indicates😆
P.P.S. This wouldn't have been possible without the help of my awesome GOALS collaborators, most of whom are HST veterans so I'm being disproportionally excited!
#hubblespacetelescope #firsthstobservation
There are some folks out there doing *absolutely* incredible work on astronomy image visualizations, but it's worth noting -- you can make exciting images on your own using freely-available tools and data. This took five minutes in DS9, and I even have a 20 MB .gif showing the transition.
In short: go play with data! #Astronomy is for everyone! #Astrodon #Astrophysics #HubbleSpaceTelescope #NASA
#astronomy #Astrodon #astrophysics #hubblespacetelescope #nasa
#OTD in 1990 the #HubbleSpaceTelescope was launched aboard the #SpaceShuttleDiscovery , simultaneously changing the meaning of being human 👨 and Earth’s 🌎 place in the universe! 👏
#otd #hubblespacetelescope #spaceshuttlediscovery
"Astronomers are celebrating NASA's Hubble Space Telescope's 33rd launch anniversary with an ethereal photo of a nearby star-forming region, NGC 1333. The nebula is in the Perseus molecular cloud, and located approximately 960 light-years away.
Hubble's colorful view, showcased through its unique capability to obtain images from ultraviolet to near-infrared light, unveils an effervescent cauldron of glowing gasses and pitch-black dust stirred up and blown around by several hundred newly forming stars embedded within the dark cloud. Hubble just scratches the surface because most of the star birthing firestorm is hidden behind clouds of fine dust – essentially soot – that are thicker toward the bottom of the image. The blackness in the image is not empty space, but filled with obscuring dust."
#nasa #hubblespacetelescope #hubble
From Bullets to ‘Bird Residue,’ the Many Trials of Telescopes - Before an observatory can plumb the secrets of the cosmos, it must navigate more humbling... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/18/science/space/astronomy-observatories-telescopes.html #telescopesandobservatories #lascampanasobservatory #hubblespacetelescope #spaceandastronomy #your-feed-science
#your #spaceandastronomy #hubblespacetelescope #lascampanasobservatory #telescopesandobservatories
Das hier hat mich ehrlich gesagt überrascht vor einem Monat: Ich beschäftige mich ja schon eine Weile mit #Lichtverschmutzung durch #Starlink, aber da geht es halt immer ums #Sterngucken, #Astrofotografie oder #Astronomie vom Boden aus. Dass die #Satelliten von #SpaceX sogar Bilder des Weltraumteleskops #Hubble verunstalten und künftige Instrumente gefährden, hatte ich ehrlich gesagt nicht auf dem Schirm:
#lichtverschmutzung #starlink #sterngucken #astrofotografie #astronomie #satelliten #spacex #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #hst
#TBT: In 2002 Hubble’s newest instrument, the Advanced Camera for Surveys, began releasing images. One of the first was this galaxy pair known as The Mice, named because of the long tails of stars and gas emanating from each galaxy: http://bit.ly/3TSABJ7
#Hubble #HubbleSpaceTelescope #mice #galaxies #space #astronomy
#tbt #hubble #hubblespacetelescope #mice #galaxies #space #astronomy