Famicom Family BASIC
I love BASIC! I don't make a secret of it. It was the product, even before DOS, that launched Microsoft. It was invented to be the language to bring programming to the masses, and, for a short time, it fulfilled that function. (These days, if you want to learn coding, I suggest Python. Not only is it a lo
#niche #retro #basic #diodezone #famicom #hudson #niche #nintendo #peertube #programming #reenthused #retro #sharp #video
#niche #retro #basic #diodezone #famicom #hudson #nintendo #peertube #programming #reenthused #sharp #video
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The 'Katy Perry Buy a House Without Re-Homing an Old Person' Challenge https://jezebel.com/the-katy-perry-buy-a-house-without-re-homing-an-old-per-1850724619 #Jezebel #catherineroseholtzman #berkshirehathaway #dianahollister #carlwestcott #orlandobloom #katyperry #hudson #tiktok
#jezebel #catherineroseholtzman #berkshirehathaway #dianahollister #carlwestcott #orlandobloom #KatyPerry #hudson #tiktok
Zum Züge beobachten gibt es jede Menge Gelegenheiten #MetroNorth #Amtrak #CSX #Hudson
#hudson #CSX #amtrak #metronorth
Mit der Intensivierung des Tourismus scheinen nicht alle einverstanden zu sein. #ColdSpring #Hudson
Ankunft in #ColdSpring in den #Hudson Mountains #MetroNorth
#metronorth #hudson #coldspring
Auf der anderen Seite des "Amerikanischen Rheins" fährt ein Güterzug von #CSX. Aber deutlich langsamer - die Lok wird eingeholt #MetroNorth #Hudson
Über viele Kilometer hat man freien Blick auf den breiten #Hudson, kein Baum behindert die Sicht. Höchstens Mal ein Bahnsteig oder Gegenzug oder ein Zweiwegefahrzeug. #MetroNorth
Die Hudson-Strecke ist zu Beginn viergleisig und versprüht einen historischen Charme mit den alten Masten, der alten Stromschiene und verrosteten Brücken. Alte Backsteinfabriken als Zeugen des Industriezeitalters. #MetroNorth #Hudson
Die Fahrt geht am Harlem River entlang mit einer Reihe interessanter Brücken #MetroNorth #Hudson
Super Mario Bros. Special (PC-88 Paradise) Hudson's weird version of SMB (not for NES, GB, or SNES)
#nec #hudson #nintendo #videogames
It's not just at #Fukushima:
"Battle persists over dumping of treated radioactive waste into Hudson River"
#fukushima #nuclear #nuclearpower #NuclearWaste #ny #hudson #holtec
Auf der anderen Seite des #Hudson River steht das alte Terminal der Central Railroad of New Jersey. Von der Lage erinnert er an Istanbul Haydarpasha - ein stolzer Bahnhof, der seine Züge und auch die Fährverbindungen verloren hat. Von den einst fünf Terminals am Hudson gibt es heute nur noch Hoboken.
Enjoying the view on the #hudson #batterypark #newyork #nyc
#nyc #newyork #batterypark #hudson
Identifying Luck in Mario Party 7
ZoomZike on Youtube has been working for years on a comprehensive series of videos going through all the Mario Party games, and breaking down what parts of each are a matter of luck, and how many are of skill. Along the way, they also serve as fine guides to winning at them, at least a
#niche #retro #hudson #hudsonsoft #mario #marioparty #marioparty7 #niche #nintendo #retro #video #youtube #zoomzike
#niche #retro #hudson #hudsonsoft #mario #marioparty #marioparty7 #nintendo #video #youtube #zoomzike
Global News BC: 21 new Zellers pop-up shops to open inside Hudson’s Bay stores in 5 provinces https://globalnews.ca/news/9839478/zellers-pop-up-stores-canada-hudsons-bay/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ZellersLocations #Zellerscomeback #ZellersAlberta #ZellersOntario #ZellersOpening #zellerscanada #ZellersQuebec #ZellersStores #canadaretail #Zellerspopup #Hudson'sBay #ZellersBC #Consumer #Economy #Zellers #Canada #HBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #zellerslocations #zellerscomeback #zellersalberta #zellersontario #zellersopening #zellerscanada #zellersquebec #zellersstores #canadaretail #zellerspopup #hudson #zellersbc #Consumer #economy #zellers #Canada #hbc
I ran another caption contest with an image of a giant head that mysteriously showed up in the Hudson river years back. Here's a video with the top 10 entries!
#Caption #Contest #Video #Mystery #Funny #Jokes #Puns #GiantHead #Marist #Hudson
#hudson #marist #gianthead #puns #jokes #funny #mystery #video #contest #caption
Uncropped, color version of my photo above.
Taken on a sleepy late afternoon at Automotive Heritage Museum in #Ypsilanti, #Michigan circa 2017.
#SilentSunday #MastoArt #Photography
#ClassicCars #Hudson #Americana #Antiques
#antiques #americana #hudson #classiccars #Photography #MastoArt #silentsunday #Michigan #ypsilanti
Global News BC: Bus stolen from Vancouver Transit Centre causing property damage, one man arrested: Transit Police https://globalnews.ca/news/9832195/bus-stolen-translink/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #metrovancouvertransitpolice #TransLink #Cyclist #Canada #Hudson #Stolen #Crash #RIDE #Bus
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #metrovancouvertransitpolice #TransLink #cyclist #Canada #hudson #stolen #Crash #ride #bus