The #FinancialTimes reported three weeks ago, citing several informed sources, that #PresidentTsai will deliver a speech in New York and receive the Global Leadership Award from the right-wing think tank #HudsonInstitute. However, according to an investigation by The #EatNews, Tsai's government donated more than 600,000 US dollars (approximately 18,280,608 New Taiwan dollars) to the Hudson Institute between 2017 and 2021.
✍️ @faustochou
#financialtimes #presidenttsai #hudsoninstitute #eatnews
總統 #蔡英文 3月29日啟程訪問貝里斯、瓜地馬拉,期間將過境美國紐約和洛杉磯。《金融時報》(Financial Times)3週前援引數名知情人士說法報導稱,蔡總統將在紐約演說並獲頒右翼智庫哈德遜研究所( #HudsonInstitute )的全球領導力獎(Global Leadership Award)。然而根據《呷新聞》調查,蔡政府自2017年至2021年,一共捐助50萬美元(約新台幣1523萬4750元)以上巨額給哈德遜研究所。
✍️ @faustochou
Morrison's bio for the China Centre at the Hudson Institute is very glowing. He saved Australia and provided amazing leadership unlike anything see before. 😳🤢 #ScottMorrison #AusPol #MikePompeo #HudsonInstitute
#hudsoninstitute #MikePompeo #auspol #scottmorrison