WHAT HOLTEC DOESN'T SPEND, IT GETS TO KEEP! A good reason for #Hotel to cut costs!!!
"Webster noted that, without state legislation, only federal agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission have the authority to stop any release. The #EPA has put a hold on a Holtec plan to discharge radioactive water from the shuttered #PilgrimNuclear Power Plant in #Massachusetts into #CapeCod Bay until a third party can verify that the release would be safe.
The Pilgrim plant is one of two other nuclear power plants in the Northeast that Holtec is decommissioning; the other is #OysterCreek in #NewJersey. Last week, Holtec told the NRC that it would take four years longer than planned to finish decommissioning Pilgrim and Oyster Creek, citing inflation and 'poor market performance.' All three projects are being paid for by trust funds that were set up while the plants were in operation and funded by the public via their power bills. What Holtec doesn’t spend, it gets to keep."
#NoNukes #NewYork #HoltecLies #WaterIsLife #HudsonRiver #HudsonRiverWatershed #HudsonRiverValley #EPA #NRC
#Hotel #epa #pilgrimnuclear #massachusetts #capecod #oystercreek #newjersey #nonukes #newyork #holteclies #waterislife #HudsonRiver #hudsonriverwatershed #hudsonrivervalley #nrc
What #Holtec isn't telling us is that the water contains more than just #Tritium and Boron... Lots of other radioactive "goodies," including Cobalt!
Holtec Says It Will Discharge #IndianPoint Water in May
By Brian PJ Cronin, April 7, 2023
"Holtec said that the water would be sampled, monitored and filtered before it was released, although it will still contain boron and tritium. That will leave 265,000 gallons in Unit 2, which has been emptied of spent fuel rods, and 310,000 gallons in Unit 3, which is scheduled to be emptied of rods by November. Unit 1’s wastewater was released into the river in 2009."
#NoNukes #NewYork #HoltecLies #WaterIsLife #HudsonRiver #HudsonRiverWatershed #HudsonRiverValley
Read more: https://highlandscurrent.org/2023/04/07/holtec-says-it-will-discharge-indian-point-water-in-may/
#HOLTEC #tritium #indianpoint #nonukes #newyork #holteclies #waterislife #HudsonRiver #hudsonriverwatershed #hudsonrivervalley