#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #actualité #rugby #coupedumonde #allblacks #stadedefrance #macron #hué #sifflets #nouvellezélande #haka
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#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #breves #actualite #rugby #coupedumonde #AllBlacks #stadedefrance #macron #hue #sifflets #nouvellezelande #haka
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #brèves #actualité #rugby #coupedumonde #allblacks #stadedefrance #macron #hué #sifflets #nouvellezélande
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#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #breves #actualite #rugby #coupedumonde #AllBlacks #stadedefrance #macron #hue #sifflets #nouvellezelande
i retract any previous statements about household lighting with the numerous #HomeKit-capable bulbs on the market.
#hue is totally worth it. their software can coordinate lighting better than anything you could possibly come up with in homebridge and whackamole. if you have any aspirations of elevating your ambiance and you are not currently a veteran of broadway stage lighting or programming lighting systems for lutron, you are in over your head already.
i'm not happy about it.
So let's get #Hue!
#hue #PhilipsHue #homeassistant #homeautomation #smarthome
Unpacking is such an obnoxious chore.
I’m finally getting my area of the studio set up, though it will be far from its final form once I connect my monitors and rig.
Struggling a bit without our smart lights - they’re still at the apartment and will be collected this weekend, though I’m about to start the conversion away from #Hue because they can’t get their shit together to roll out the #Matter support and we need a whack of smart switches to make it easier for everyone who isn’t me.
aktuelles beispiel der alte #hue-bewegungsmelder in der küche hat wohl in den letzten tagen ein update erhalten und jeden morgen ärgere ich mich weshalb das lich so traurig und dunkel ist
Dropped the #TV mount 3" this morning. It's surrounded by #hue lights, so gives a little wider effect to those lights, with slightly less blooming on the ceiling (though still there), better view angle. I might be the only one around here who notices but been on my to-do list for like a year.
Jammer dat #Signify slechte cijfers laat zien. Wat ze maken is prima maar nu al te duur.
En dat heeft in mijn ogen te maken met hun succes: LED-lampen - ook die van hen - gaan nu eenmaal langer mee dan de peertjes die wij van vroeger kennen. Ik ben zelf gestopt met het bijhouden van een reserve-lampenvoorraad want het gaat nooit (meer) stuk. Bij de enkele die dat wel doet, ga ik wel weer naar de winkel.
It's been a multi-year battle with Yeelight "smart" bulbs to connect them and have them stay connected. After one bulb spontaneously disconnected and failed to reconnect after six tries, I've given up with this Chinese-made crapola. Yeelight inexplicably requires two iPhone apps and multiple tries to connect a bulb … when it works.
Since I'm not crazy about the expensive Hue bulbs either, I'm going to buy LIFX. I gave them as a gift once and the recipient loves them.
This is way early. We need some lights on. (http://amzn.to/2DFAd9w) #Hue #Lifx #IOT #SmartHome
Wass wenn das #SmartHome zickt? Was passiert, wenn ich das mal nicht mehr pflegen kann? Das Problem sehe ich bei ganz vielen dieser “Bastellösungen” #Shelly #Homematic #Hue
#smarthome #shelly #homematic #hue
@cdrum I got one ikea light to work with my #Hue :p https://yeri.be/ikea-tradfri-with-philips-hue (but it’s a bit hacky, it’s not always reliable when telling google to turn off my light, it may or may not actually turn off, whereas my Hue’s work fine)
But yeah not sure about the motion sensor… So you’re telling me I can use a motion sensor from Hue, and get them to turn on a TP-link power plug (besides Hue lights) using Google Home?
@beaupaille le modem sont parmi les pires car ils degustent la soupe en silence, ils savent très bien qu'ils participent à une opération d'entubage du peuple. Par contre #Hue fallait aller le chercher loin :D le mec est inexistant
Retro festival tomorrow. #SoftCell #OMD #Blancmange #TheUndertones #Hue&Cry #TheFarm #NealX #MidgeUre #TheBeat #GoWest #TheUndertones . Sure, you've got to put up with the expensive food, middle aged punters who can't handle the booze any more, and the marketing does little to inspire the more discerning music fan but these older artists are putting on great festival performances for tickets less than forty quid.
#softcell #omd #blancmange #theundertones #hue #thefarm #nealx #midgeure #thebeat #gowest
Wieso bringt #hue immer nur schwarze Lampen für den Außenbereich raus. So kommen wir nicht ins Geschäft 🤷♀️
Nice matin "Une partie du #public de l'#opéra de #Nice a #hué des personnes atteintes du #vih une élue écolo "ulcérée" https://www.nicematin.com/faits-divers/-en-2023-une-partie-du-public-de-l-opera-de-nice-a-hue-des-personnes-atteintes-du-vih-une-elue-ecolo-ulceree--852422
#public #opera #nice #hue #vih
Does anyone know how I can hook my #Phillips #Hue Go into the Tuya app with a multimode gatewa? Works fine in the Phillips android app. Not sure why Tuya won't find the lights.
#phillips #hue #homeautomtion #PhillipsHue
Hue è disponibile gratuitamente su Steam per pochi giorni
#curvedigital #fiddlestickgames #hue