September 10th is the twelfth and final day of #HUEYDAN, marking the day Louisiana Senator Huey Long died after having been shot by an assassin two days before.
To read more about the life and accomplishments of Huey Long, visit The Long Legacy Project at
September 8th is the tenth day of #HUEYDAN
Senator Huey Long was shot on this date in 1935, in the capitol building he built as governor, where he would lie in state after dying two days later, and near his burial site.
September 7th is the ninth day of #HUEYDAN
“…I do not care for my share in a victory that means that the poor and the downtrodden, the blind, the helpless, the orphaned, the bleeding, the wounded, the hungry, and the distressed, will be victims of a victory in which I am to participate in the Senate.”
—Huey Long, “Victory Over the Helpless”
Catching up on yesterday's #HUEYDAN post
September 6th was the eighth day of #HUEYDAN
“I am fighting to keep the party from making a mistake, and even if I were not I am not going to allow my hatred for Republicans or my liking for Democrats or anything of the kind to send the widows and orphans whose husbands and fathers have left this earth by reason of wounds they received in defense of this country, out into the highways and byways and to the charity bureaus.”
September 5th is the 7th day of #HUEYDAN, an observance of the life and accomplishments of Huey Long
"God told you what the trouble was. The philosophers told you what the trouble was; and when you have a country where one man owns more than 100,000 people, or a million people, and when you have a country where there are four men, as in America that have got more control over things than all the 120 million people together, you know what the trouble is."
—Huey Long
September 3rd is the fifth day of #HUEYDAN, an observance of the life of Louisiana’s Huey Long.
Hodding Carter was a progressive journalist who once got into a fistfight with another passenger on a plane when the man expressed approval of the assassination of Robert Kennedy.
"Looking back, I know that part of our failure arose from an unwillingness to approve any Long-sponsored proposal for change, regardless of its merits."
—Journalist Hodding Carter, 1947
#HUEYDAN is now on Mastodon!
HUEYDAN is an annual celebration of the life and accomplishments of Huey Long, Governor and Senator of Louisiana, born on August 30th, 1893 and who died from an assassin’s bullet on September 10th, 1935.
"Whenever this administration has gone to the left I have voted for it, and whenever it has gone to the right I have voted against it." —Huey Long
September 1st is the third day of #HUEYDAN, an observance of the life and accomplishments of Huey Long
“They say they don't like my methods. Well, I don't like them either. I really don't like to have to do things the way I do. I'd much rather get up before the legislature and say, 'Now this is a good law and it's for the benefit of the people, and I'd like you to vote for it in the interest of the public welfare.’ Only I know that laws ain't made that way. You've got to fight fire with fire.”
It's Day 2 of #HUEYDAN, the observance of the life and accomplishments of Louisiana's Huey Long, from the date of his birth in 1893 to the date he was assassinated in 1935.
“I'm for the poor man — all poor men, black and white, they all gotta have a chance. They gotta have a home, a job, and a decent education for their children. ‘Every man a king’ — that’s my slogan.”