Can we just agree the #hufflepuff house is the best and coolest house in #HogwartsLegacy
#HufflepuffPride #hufflepuffsupremacy
#hufflepuffsupremacy #hufflepuffpride #HogwartsLegacy #hufflepuff
#HotOffTheNeedles for this #FOFriday! a variegated cowl for my etsy shop, a special order chunky watchcap for one of my nieces, and 416 yards of #handspunYarn to make a set of fingerless gloves to match my #HufflepuffPride hat and scarf set. #KnittersOfMastadon #GuysWhoKnit #BearsWhoKnit #YarnSpinnersOfMastadon #GuysWhoSpinYarn
#guyswhospinyarn #yarnspinnersofmastadon #bearswhoknit #guyswhoknit #knittersofmastadon #hufflepuffpride #HandSpunYarn #fofriday #hotofftheneedles