"Workers Wanted A Union. Then The Mysterious Men Showed Up.
How a pair of 'union avoidance' consultants using fake names turned a small Midwestern workplace upside down."
#union #labor #unionBusting #unionAvoidance #capitalism #HuffPost #HuffingtonPost #HuffPo
#union #labor #unionbusting #unionavoidance #capitalism #huffpost #huffingtonpost #huffpo
I am sick of the jackasses at Huffington Post pretending to care about democracy, while creating half their articles by pasting twitter embeds that only take you to Dictator promoting twitter.
Idaho Ready To Ban Minors From Traveling To Free States For Abortions https://www.wonkette.com/idaho-ready-to-ban-minors-from-traveling-to-free-states-for-abortions
#Idaho #Idaho_abortion_ban #Idaho_abortion_law #Idaho_hb_242 #Idaho_abortion_travel_ban #Fugitive_uterus_act #Felony #Pregnant_minors #Abortion #Abortion_trafficking #Cavid_cohen #Drexel_university #Huffpo #Barbara_ehart #Idaho_right_to_life #National_right_to_life_committee #Melissa_wintrow #Idaho_senate #Parental_rights #Women's
#women #Parental_rights #Idaho_senate #Melissa_wintrow #National_right_to_life_committee #Idaho_right_to_life #Barbara_ehart #huffpo #Drexel_university #Cavid_cohen #Abortion_trafficking #abortion #Pregnant_minors #felony #Fugitive_uterus_act #Idaho_abortion_travel_ban #Idaho_hb_242 #Idaho_abortion_law #Idaho_abortion_ban #idaho
This is an interesting article about how the #conspiracy mindset can have deadly consequences. I do have sympathy for the vulnerable who have been taken by #quackery.
But if I remember correctly (and I do) #HuffPo was part of the quack machinery that flogged a whole lotta nonsense in the "wellness" sphere over the years. They should own some of that too.
"My Patient Was Smart And Kind. He Was Also A Conspiracy Theorist — And It May Have Killed Him."
Outstanding article on #HuffPo by Dustin J. Seibert on black masculinity and #masculinity in general.
Shitty Men In Media by Moira Donegan; crowdsourced
Topics #shittymeninmedia, #shittymediamen, #abusers, #abuse, #misogyny, #patriarchy, #columbiauniversity, #theparisreview, #thenewrepublic, #newyorkmagazine, #londonreviewofbooks, #nymag, #lrb, #harpersmagazine, #harpers, #nplus1magazine, #nplus1, #riverheadbooks, #thebaffler, #thenation, #losangelestimes, #latimes, #thenewyorker, #powellsbooks, #tinhouse, #versobooks, #verso, #wendyssubway, #mcnallyjackson, #bleacherreport, #thetrumpscorecard, #gq, #condénast, #vocativ, #vicesports, #vicemedia, #fsg, #farrarstrausandgiroux, #kissingsuzykolber, #cnbc, #wallstreetjournal, #wsj, #breitbart, #valleywag, #wiredmagazine, #guernica, #brooklynpubliclibrary, #medium, #villagevoice, #fastcompany, #thebatsegundoshow, #batsegundo, #thehuffingtonpost, #huffpo, #politico, #deadspin, #newyorktimes, #nyt, #aeon, #simonandschuster, #harpercollins, #esquire, #gawker, #theintercept, #techcrunch, #buzzfeed, #grantland, #ratter, #quartz, #penguinyoungreaders, #philomel, #fivethirtyeight, #theguardian, #rollingstone, #dailydot, #thedailydot, #macmillan, #motherjones, #pitchfork, #chicagoreader, #nationalgeographic, #slate, #slatemagazine, #mic, #cbs, #cracked, #electronicbeats, #thedailyshow, #euromoney, #nomadcinema, #newyorkmedia
#shittymeninmedia #shittymediamen #abusers #abuse #misogyny #patriarchy #columbiauniversity #theparisreview #thenewrepublic #newyorkmagazine #londonreviewofbooks #nymag #LRB #harpersmagazine #harpers #nplus1magazine #nplus1 #riverheadbooks #thebaffler #thenation #losangelestimes #latimes #thenewyorker #powellsbooks #tinhouse #versobooks #verso #wendyssubway #mcnallyjackson #bleacherreport #thetrumpscorecard #gq #condénast #vocativ #vicesports #vicemedia #fsg #farrarstrausandgiroux #kissingsuzykolber #cnbc #wallstreetjournal #wsj #breitbart #valleywag #wiredmagazine #guernica #brooklynpubliclibrary #medium #villagevoice #fastcompany #thebatsegundoshow #batsegundo #thehuffingtonpost #huffpo #politico #deadspin #newyorktimes #nyt #aeon #SimonandSchuster #harpercollins #esquire #gawker #theintercept #techcrunch #buzzfeed #grantland #ratter #quartz #penguinyoungreaders #philomel #fivethirtyeight #theguardian #rollingstone #dailydot #thedailydot #macmillan #motherjones #pitchfork #chicagoreader #nationalgeographic #slate #slatemagazine #mic #cbs #cracked #ElectronicBeats #thedailyshow #euromoney #nomadcinema #newyorkmedia
@PakkonenCT I suspect now that BillO #huffpo and the like will be targeting Tucker as the left truly has a hate on for him. I doubt they will go after Hannity like this. #cantcuckthetuck @adam