Lo scorso weekend e' partita la missione Huginn di Andreas Mogensen, astronauta ESA di nazionalita' danese.
Andreas, che vola 8 anni dopo il primo breve viaggio nello spazio, resterà a bordo della ISS per circa 6 mesi. A portarlo in orbita è stata la dragon di Crew 7, con un equipaggio davvero internazionale: 4 astronauti, 4 nazioni diverse.
Qualche dettaglio qui.
#spazio #astronautica #iss #huginn
Launch of danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen delayed by one day: https://nyheder.tv2.dk/udland/2023-08-25-opsendelse-af-andreas-mogensen-til-iss-udskudt
#newmoonsnap #Huginn
This is probably one for #astrodon:
My ace DMI colleague @Hotblack43 is sending a fancy camera up to the #ISS with #AndreasMogensen on the #Huginn mission this week + calling for people to make + post full moon snaps here in RAW or NEF format (NOT Jpeg) tagged #NewMoonSnap
It's to help measure the earth's #albedo + perhaps solve an important #climate puzzle
#citizenscience #earthshine #Climate #albedo #newmoonsnap #huginn #andreasmogensen #iss #Astrodon
Congratulations @Astro_Andreas for being the next commander of the International @Space_Station!
You are a great inspiration🚀#Huginn https://n.respublicae.eu/esaspaceflight/status/1675766441281216514 https://t.co/u0LmR8VLcV
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Human Spaceflight: We are happy to announce that @astro_andreas will be the commander of the International @space_space on his #Huginn mission during Expedition 70 👨🚀🥳
He will be the first Dane and the sixth European to be commander of the ISS 🇩🇰
➡️https://www.esa.int/Science_Exploration/Human_and_Robotic_Exploration/Commanding_role_for_Andreas_in_space https://t.co/xdoWovauaE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nnienass/status/1675806125789179906
You can try it with a free account at newsblur.com, but if it's what you'd like then it's self hostable too.
If you want something a little more lightweight, with a different approach to filtering, to self host then #tt-rss is worth a look.
Pair either with #huginn to pull in #rss feeds from places that don't have them or that need pre-filtering.
Happy to give pointers to getting these going, if you need them
A little bit of blatant self promotion:
The past few days we have been visiting the European Astronaut Center in Cologne, Germany, to prepare our participation in the #Huginn mission. We will be doing actual neuroscience in space, determining whether the personal sleep phenotype of astronauts changes when they move to zero gravity. We will be performing a large number of mobile #sleep recordings with #earEEG both before, during and after Andreas Mogensen’s trip to the ISS.
As research projects go, this one has been one of the more demanding ones, but also incredibly exciting 😊
I may have spent a bit too much of this afternoon fettling my #Huginn scenario for scraping my Mastodon timeline into a filtered #RSS feed.
(Why do that? Well, it stops me missing things that I want to see, even if they were posted hours ago - & they appear in the RSS reader that I use for a lot of other news/updates (with a click through to the original link if I want to engage)
@drwho I'm currently using your blog post as a guide to scraping my personal timeline with #Huginn.
Purely so that I can process & filter it & turn it into an RSS feed that focusses my important info & keeps it asynchronous with the timeline scrolling by.
I guess that since I follow you I should ask if I can add you to the priority list, as requested.
Move #huginn dockerized instance to #RaspberryPi4 #backup #mariadb :docker:
#huginn #raspberrypi4 #backup #mariadb
New post:
Huginn: Huginn: Vive La Pratique Délibérée Avec Les Flux RSS
#mjbwrites #blogging #linux #tech #huginn #french #devops
Huginn: On Becoming a Cal Newport Podcast Packrat
#mjbWrites #Blogging #Linux #Tech #Huginn #CalNewport #Devops
#mjbwrites #blogging #linux #tech #huginn #calnewport #devops
Huginn: the Rube Goldbergness of Updating Hugo
#mjbwrites #blogging #linux #tech #huginn #hugo
Seit gestern überlege ich mir, wie ich automatisiert meine Social Media Accounts sichern kann.
Es scheint im Moment noch nichts an IFTTT vorbeizuführen, zumal meine Experimente mit #huginn an dem Mangel an Erweiterungen scheitern. Frustrierend, aber recht typisch
For my #norwegianart #scandinavian friends. Here is #muninn & #huginn #viking #mythology 4" x 6" acrylic on #postcard $15
#norwegianart #scandinavian #muninn #huginn #viking #mythology #postcard
3. Writing a custom app and running it on firebase or heroku or somesuch. Cost: entirely too much time + some nominal fee. More for integrations/notifications with anything.
4. Configure something like #huginn. Cost: whatever it costs to run plus ENTIRELY too much time.
There _has_ to be an easier solution somewhere for this.
Working in the background on my #huginn automation. Sadly, the first experiment didn't work, so I suspect a more in-depth experimentation and learning session about how #twitter works is in order, somewhere further down the line.
Until then, I am sending my #favorite rss feed items from https://freshrss.mariobreskic.de/ to a #dlvr.it queue to be posted to my twitter account.
#huginn #twitter #favorite #dlvr