Hugo Ball’s sound poems are an expression of a radical scepticism of language. They reflect the rejection of the structures that paved the way for the outbreak of the First World War. #hugoball #poetry
Hugo Balls Lautgedichte sind Ausdruck einer radikalen Sprachskepsis. Sie sind eine Verweigerung gegenüber jenen Strukturen, die den Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs ermöglicht haben. Sie sind mehr als kindischer Nonsens. #hugoball
Sometimes I call myself a Saywords because my family often aks me to say some words for occasions. And my #wfmu #radio show is similar. Do you add #dada to those? Are your #wedding ceremonies absurd? I believe another word for absurd and confusing is mysterious. And mystery is at the heart of some religious appeal. #HugoBall literally left dada for the church. Kind, lovin, and unnervingly baffling! So, yes, I make up ritual in the name of a transformative experience.
#wfmu #radio #dada #wedding #hugoball