Learn from Joost Van Der Schee about building #GoHugoIO websites using stackable content blocks, at #HugoConf2023, September 21st PDT! 🧱
Sign up here to attend this #Hugobricks Lighting Talk âš¡: https://hugoconf.io/
#gohugoio #hugoconf2023 #hugobricks
We have now a full #blog 'component' available !
(see the dettailed docs. on how to use it )
#hugo #hugobricks
#hugobricks Theming
#hugo #docs in progress
« [..] You might wonder what the difference is between a Hugo ‘shortcode’ and a Hugo ‘brick’. Shortcodes are placing reusable content in a kind of ‘inline’ way (say in between two paragraphs). An example of a shortcode is a video. Bricks are complete sets of content. An example of a shortcode is a call-to-action block/brick. Below you find a list of available shortcodes. [..]»
#hugo #hugobricks #alpha #web #dev