The "One-Man-Army" concept is making a comeback, apparently smh:
#OneManArmy #HugYourSysAdmins #HugYourSysops #HugYourInfosecTeam
#onemanarmy #hugyoursysadmins #hugyoursysops #hugyourinfosecteam
@jerry I believe this is an #InheritRisk working in the #EnterpriseSpace, especially the #FediSpace (regardless of which country you work in). While this sucks generally, it appears on the surface that this could have been avoided by simply installing AV updates? That's #Security101. Especially after they were already attacked. #ShouldHaveKnownBetter.
Not too comfortable with a 7-year jail sentence, but without knowing their local laws around this topic I can't really speak to that in depth.
It is another hard example of why regular #Patching and #SystemUpdates are essential - at work and especially at home. Even if they are manually applied! It's not just good #CyberHygiene, in many instances it is a regulatory or #LegalRequirement.
#HugYourInfosecTeam 😬
#inheritrisk #enterprisespace #fedispace #security101 #shouldhaveknownbetter #patching #systemupdates #cyberhygiene #legalrequirement #hugyourinfosecteam #cybersecurity
@allenstenhaus @Mrfunkedude I agree 100%. I tell my C-suite that I don't want or need people to be security or tech experts at all - I only want them to slow down and think. If you can get someone intelligent to pause, even briefly, common sense kicks in. But, that's a small subset of users generally lol. Most users, smart or not, just "click-click-click" on everything and anything lol. So yeah, we have to remind them of things we find to be "common sense" every damn day #HugYourInfosecTeam