Hear am teech herz the art ov velcro.
(Here I teach her the art of velcro)
#AlwaysAddAlt #HuittyPix
Am bean tryin to raze herz rite. Hear am gif her an baff. 🛁
(I've been trying to raise her right, here I give her a bath.)
#AlwaysAddAlt #HuittyPix
Am wud like to intordooce yo to mine noo fren Argmess. Herz woz livin in an poodle in an padlock wen mumb finded herz. 🧵🧵🧵
(I would like to introduce you to my new friend Agnes. She was living in a puddle in a paddock when mum found her.)
Yea am none kno hi there Platy, hooms am olwez Giddy up to some weerd shid.
(Yeah, I don't know either Platy, humans are always getting up to some weird shit.)
#AlwaysAddAlt #HuittyPix
Fankyo to Baby Cate's hoom for help me spred dis massage of hop!
(Thank you to Baby Cat's human @oedipusnj for helping me spread this message of hope)
#AlwaysAddAlt #HuittyPix
pointe of phiew am gonna boop yor!
(point of view I'm going to boop you!)
#AlwaysAddAlt #HuittyPix
Prondering the feat of the onionverse
(Pondering the fate of the universe)
#AlwaysAddAlt #HuittyPix #CatsOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #huittypix #alwaysaddalt
Mmmm.... wot?
@futurebird She is so very cute and most definitely a baby.
Huitty is also a baby.
#catsofmastodon #alwaysaddalt #huittypix
Donut froget to dabble gleamse yor fasse beefour bed.
(Don't forget to double cleanse your face before bed.)
Dis mine cozin Furrank. Himz Donkey knees (cate type).
(This is my cousin Frank. He's a Tonkinese cat