#Cats #Jane’s #Classification (of #AFVs). Photo shows MBT then MBT firing its .50cal as LRV (still on starters, basically one of the pastes). But then as soon as LRC (eg. #scorpion type deal on low carb diet) bugs out the MBT straight back from #hulldown
raid for leftovers (not even in Jane’s that one!) Not since T34s have MBTs had monster stowage bins. #NATO designations: #Pacha (#MBT) Pipa (#LRT). #Infantry AFC #recce #Top #Mortars #Anti-Tank #ZCoy. Hour later. Stood to. Massive tank belch. 🤢
#zcoy #anti #mortars #top #recce #infantry #lrt #mbt #pacha #NATO #hulldown #scorpion #afvs #classification #jane #Cats