Global News BC: Beyoncé boat: Hullo to run special late-night ferry after singer’s Vancouver show #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #nanaimopassengerferry #RenaissanceWorldTour #Vancouverconcert #beyonceconcert #Entertainment #NanaimoFerry #HulloFerry #BCPlace #Beyonce #Nanaimo #Hullo
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #nanaimopassengerferry #renaissanceworldtour #vancouverconcert #beyonceconcert #entertainment #nanaimoferry #hulloferry #bcplace #beyonce #nanaimo #hullo
Global News BC: New Nanaimo-Vancouver passenger ferry completes inaugural sailing #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #hulloinauguralsailing #nanaimovancouverferry #footpassengerferry #GeorgiaStrait #passengerfery #walkonferry #HulloFerry #Catamaran #Vancouver #Nanaimo #Canada #Hullo
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #hulloinauguralsailing #nanaimovancouverferry #footpassengerferry #georgiastrait #passengerfery #walkonferry #hulloferry #catamaran #Vancouver #nanaimo #Canada #hullo
Global News BC: New Nanaimo-Vancouver passenger ferry cancels Tuesday sailings, reduces August schedule #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #nanaimovancouverferry #passengerferryservice #VancouverNanaimoferry #hullocancellation #passengerferry #Cancellation #hullolaunch #HulloFerry #Vancouver #canclled #Nanaimo #Canada #ferry #Hullo
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #nanaimovancouverferry #passengerferryservice #vancouvernanaimoferry #hullocancellation #passengerferry #cancellation #hullolaunch #hulloferry #Vancouver #canclled #nanaimo #Canada #ferry #hullo
Global News BC: Power outage, winds delay inaugural sailing of new Nanaimo-Vancouver passenger ferry #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Vancouver-Nanaimoferry #sailingcancellation #passengerferry #NanaimoFerry #HulloFerry #Catamaran #HighWinds #Vancouver #Nanaimo #Weather #Canada #Hullo #Wind
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #Vancouver #sailingcancellation #passengerferry #nanaimoferry #hulloferry #catamaran #highwinds #nanaimo #Weather #Canada #hullo #wind
Global News BC: New ferry from Nanaimo to downtown Vancouver releases schedule, pricing #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #vancouverislandferrycompany #newdowntownVancouverferry #HulloFerriesprices #Entertainment #HulloFerries #NewB.C.ferry #Vancouver #Economy #Traffic #Nanaimo #Canada #Hullo
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverislandferrycompany #newdowntownvancouverferry #hulloferriesprices #entertainment #hulloferries #newb #Vancouver #economy #traffic #nanaimo #Canada #hullo
Got news from Hullo, a company that will operate pedestrian ferries between downtowns of Vancouver and Nanaimo.
· Tickets start from $40 (adults) and $20 (kids/seniors)
· Up to 7 daily round-trip sailings (8:00–21:30 from Vancouver, 6:00–19:30 from Nanaimo)
· Bikes allowed for a fee, but not e-bikes/e-scooters
· Small pets allowed in carriers
· Seat selection for a fee
· First ferry in early August
#Hullo #Vancouver #Nanaimo #transit #ferry #BikeYVR
#bikeyvr #ferry #transit #nanaimo #vancouver #hullo
Global News BC: New 70-minute, passenger-only ferry announced between Nanaimo and downtown Vancouver #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCferrybetweenNanaimoandVancouver #vancouverislandferrycompany #VancouverIslandnewferry #DowntownVancouver #NewVancouverferry #newNanaimoferry #VancouverIsland #NewBCFerry #NewFerry #Nanaimo #Canada #Hullo
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcferrybetweennanaimoandvancouver #vancouverislandferrycompany #vancouverislandnewferry #DowntownVancouver #newvancouverferry #newnanaimoferry #vancouverisland #newbcferry #newferry #nanaimo #Canada #hullo