Big B's quirky take on his outfit in 'KBC': 'Hum soche shatranj khelne ja rahe hai' #BigB #KBC #Hum #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #hum #KBC #BigB
#Upcoming Originally formed in 1989 in Champaign-Urbana, the mighty #HUM is re-issuing its 4 LP catalog on vinyl. The band members oversaw every step of the re-mastering, lacquer cutting, and manufacturing stages while working with the original designer in updating the artwork. Each album is offered in a 2-LP 180g set in either black or a color variant. Available via #PolyvinylRecords, December 8th.
#upcoming #hum #polyvinylrecords
¿Alguien tiene cierta experiencia en cocinar con ollas de vidrio?
Tengo entendido que existen ollas de vidrio templado para horno, que soportan choques térmicos de alrededor de 200 °C, y me pregunto si alguien las ha usado sobre el fuego (hornalla a gas) con algún difusor de por medio, por ejemplo. Como difusor se me ocurre alguna plancha medianamente gruesa de hierro o aluminio, algo similar a como vienen las ollas de acero inoxidable con "triple fondo".
Es interesante porque el vidrio es un material sumamente inerte, más que el acero inoxidable y más accesible que éste (dependiendo del tipo de acero).
La idea es que se podría emplear para cocinar de manera más saludable y accesible, pero me pregunto cómo sería su uso práctico:
—tiempo en alcanzar temperaturas de cocción,
—resistencia a la llama (con difusor),
—respuesta dependiendo de los tipos de cocción (salteado o hervido)
—manipulación, durabilidad y limpieza o lo que quieran añadir.
Cualquier experiencia al respecto me interesa. Se agradecen impulsos.
#cocina #vidrio #salud #alimentación #HUM #DIY #cocción #cocinar
#cocina #vidrio #salud #alimentacion #hum #DIY #coccion #cocinar
Last night…
O: What song was that?
Me: What “what song”?
O: The one you were #humming just now.
Me: No, I wasn’t.
O: Yes, you were humming just now.
Me: Wait, was I?
O: You are ALWAYS humming.
Me: No way, that’s ridiculous. How can I be humming all the time?
O: You #hum in the bathroom in the morning! I always hear you making music in there. There are so many songs!
Me: What‽ I…
O: What was it this morning? “Amazing Grace”?
Me: …
Me: …
Me: Now I am super conscious!
Good Tuesday morning, y’all!
1908, donc, Aristide Briand, garde des sceaux, soumet le projet de loi visant à l'abolition. Le terrain est déjà bien miné (par Bernard #Humour80s (rapport à miné) #Hum).
Miné par le Petit Journal, notamment (et c'est mon propos) qui a déjà commencé sa campagne contre l'abolition depuis 2-3 ans
Optik hui, Story …
#Coda #BoomStudios #Comic #Comicbook #Comicbuch #Comics #Fantasie #Fantasiewelt #Fantasy #Hum #Lesen #MatiasBergara #Meinung #MichaelDoig #Quench #Review #Rezension #Ridgetown #SimonSpurrier #Serka #Wertung #Testbericht
#coda #boomstudios #comic #comicbook #comicbuch #comics #fantasie #fantasiewelt #fantasy #hum #lesen #matiasbergara #meinung #michaeldoig #quench #review #rezension #ridgetown #simonspurrier #serka #Wertung #testbericht
My once sheltered #cove invaded, I search for my #Self. A #hum emerges, and before I can determine its source grows into a #yawp that clashes with the unnerving drone of silence. #Harmony is still a long way off.
#cove #self #hum #yawp #harmony #vssnature #mastoprompt #whistpr #vss365 #brknshards
Bueno, creada la sala xmpp para la cosa diy pero mejor en castellano: hágalo ud mismx
After having used it for a few days, I can say that the #reverb is fully exploitable again. There is still a whiteish #noise floor audible when I put all the volumes and the mix to the max, but it is perfectly manageable and the 50 Hz #hum is almost completely gone. #Alesis #music #DIY.
#reverb #noise #hum #Alesis #music #diy
Voir les choses du bon coté ça aide. Elle me dit quatre ans de galères et un jour un formateur de la énième formation lui a dit qu'il fallait voir les choses positivement et depuis lumière ! Elle a trouvé un stage d'emploi en service civique européen d'intermittence qui l'a sortie de la mouise, maintenant elle aide les autres, même ses patrons. Il y a des hauts et des bas, c'est des cycles me dit-elle, du coup il faut positiver.
#Audio gremlins, I hate you. #editing #podcast #OffGridPod #hum #filters #Cut! #perseverance #Rescue #31is13backwards #Phew #Coffee!
#podcast #offgridpod #hum #filters #cut #phew #audio #editing #perseverance #rescue #coffee #31is13backwards
#Village home 🏡 tour #Haryana #India
#Haryana village #Farm house #cool life #Village life in haryana with dahiya family #Haryana me 5crore ka ghar #My home tour #Village home tour #Village house in haryana #Village life in haryana with sumit dahiya #House tour #Gaav ka ghar # Joint family #Hum sath sath h #My Desi Village home tour #Mere Gaon ka
##villagehouse🏠inharyana #Chiba #Chibadestinations #Chibatour #Chibatravel #Chibatrip #Chibavacation #千葉
#village #haryana #india #farm #cool #my #house #gaav #hum #mere #villagehouse #chiba #chibadestinations #chibatour #chibatravel #chibatrip #chibavacation #千葉
I didn't hear any #Stratocaster player complain about 50 or 60 Hz hum for months now.
Must have been a phase.
#stratocaster #guitars #fender #hum
Great Ted Talk! "A thousand drums at the ready. No one really knew what to expect. Those that thought "I don't have any rhythm in my body" or "not sure if I want to do this" soon found out otherwise.
John entered singing and then proceeded to conduct the audience to hum, clap, drum, sing and generally make a noise.
By removing all dialogue from the show, makes people focus by having to listen and look. The audience had to be in the present moment to connect with what was happening around them and created magic."
#music #drums #sing #magic #rhythm
#strangers #music #djembe #percussion #magickingdom #hum #clapclap
#music #drums #sing #magic #rhythm #strangers #djembe #percussion #magickingdom #hum #clapclap
This song kills me. #hum #folding
“The safety of artifacts
An arc moving fast
A circle that slows down
And the day that can't last
But we still do”