One would think, a stop at #behaviourChange would be appropriate
Improving #mobilty is one thing, but engineering behaviour by using an #autonomousDevice is another.
We are getting way too close to engineering a subhuman species, that we can plug in and play with when we want it, and otherwise store it away in a #humanFilingCabinet with #stimulants and #supplements, when we don't. Its just wrong, and dangerous.
#behaviourChange #mobilty #autonomousDevice #humanFilingCabinet #stimulants #supplements
"Open space?! What the hell,
That's a prime location for my COVID hotel"
#landGrab #DisasterCapitalism #airBNB #openSpace #cronyCapitalism #cronyism #kleptocracy #privateEquity #financialisation #financialism #deracination #humanFilingCabinet #prison2p0
#landGrab #disastercapitalism #airbnb #openspace #cronycapitalism #cronyism #kleptocracy #privateequity #financialisation #financialism #deracination #humanFilingCabinet #prison2p0