LisPi · @lispi314
652 followers · 14034 posts · Server

On , , and the importance of libraries as .

The linked article has some unsavory takes though (particularly around gender studies), but the Fedi conversation around this thread is still interesting.

#archival #libraries #analog #humanReadable #storage #publicgoods

Last updated 1 year ago

LisPi · @lispi314
531 followers · 11346 posts · Server

What should I use for files?

INI kinda sucks for a number of reasons, works but it's JSON, its derivatives are much the same but harder to parse...

Would that be a reasonably good match for ?

sucks as a user-facing anything.

I though of s-exps but the reality of intern bombing & arbitrary execution in the Lisp reader make me rather reluctant to keep using that now.

#humanReadable #configuration #json #recutils #xml

Last updated 1 year ago

Cryptocurrency News Worldwide · @CryptoBot
1257 followers · 64431 posts · Server
And Cloudflare's emergence has nothing to do with the controlled demolition of comedy and the rise of CentralBankDigitalSlavery.

Our pet peeve is how under the guise of safety they had to make the URLs go from 16 characters to 50 characters.

Gotta futureProof for the year 34288.

#tor #HSv3 #HSv2 #humanReadable #usei2p

Last updated 3 years ago

I2P stands for .

Some benefits of over Tor:
🌟 its a fully network, meaning everyone using it is a node (though slow ones are less used).
🌟 it loves traffic including and comes with a native ,
🌟 get web domains not governed by an authority, eg. yaylife.i2p,
🌟 no "Guard" nodes,
🌟 the more traffic you offer the more anonymous you get!, and
🌟 no moneyLaundering goes to devteam!!!!👈 💗😂

#invisibleInternetProtocol #i2p #distributed #torrenting #torrentclient #humanReadable #nft

Last updated 3 years ago

I2P stands for .

Benefits of over Tor:
- its a fully network, meaning everyone using it is a node (though not all nodes are used equally, slow ones are less used).
- it loves traffic including and comes with a native ,
- get web domains not governed by an authority, eg. seelife.i2p,
- no moneyLaundering goes to devteam, and
- the more traffic you offer the more anonymous you are!

#invisibleInternetProtocol #i2p #distributed #torrenting #torrentclient #humanReadable #nft

Last updated 3 years ago

: Over past months we've been breaking Tor Hidden Services (), but we are now only just telling users in the browser that those accessible are being dropped.

"Oh and here is 's website, still (by some miracle, obviously) using the address we know you prefer.

We would honestly compile a version of Tor that had 17 letters of entropy, if 16 doesn't take enough billions of years to crack.

#torproject #HSv2 #onionAddresses #duckduckgo #humanReadable

Last updated 4 years ago

Tor is now officially designed to kill grassroots movements.

We can no longer support it for anything more than maintaining some of the already popular movements.

We need to trust our intuition. As much as we liked we cannot let this blind us to the notion that it is now another captured and corporatised entity.

dropping and memorable addresses by forcing the adoption of is an aggressive move, to kill any possibility of .

#tor #torproject #humanReadable #v3Addresses #grassrootsAction #ByeTor

Last updated 4 years ago

"The human-moderators issue becomes less problematic if there are at least multiple authorities fully independent of one another."

This is how addressing works, if we're not mistaken. Also a method. It can take a few minutes for someone to have access to after performing the command, 'i2prouter start'.

Interested in ? Then check it out :)

@zensaiyuki @thegibson @freakazoid

#i2p #fourColoured #graphing #i2pWebsites #humanReadable #i2prouter #decentralisation #internet #meshnet

Last updated 5 years ago