Is it better if the criminal assailant is visible and attainable? Or better if s/he is invisible and untouchable? #ModernTorture #HumanTrafficking #DirectedEnergyWeapons #HavanaSyndrome #HumanRightsAbuses #USA #LongIslandNY
#longislandny #USA #humanRightsAbuses #havanasyndrome #directedenergyweapons #humantrafficking #moderntorture
@ausgov @ASIOGovAu when are you going to put a stop to Christian led hate groups targeting individuals within this great country of ours? #HumanRightsAbuses #bci #northropgrumman
#northropgrumman #BCI #humanRightsAbuses
Never have I felt such abject apathy towards a #WorldCupFinal. #FIFACorruption, #HumanRightsAbuses and #CorporateGreed have overshadowed the whole tournament.
I'll watch it and hope for an open, entertaining game but the excitement just isn't there. #WorldCup
#worldcup #CorporateGreed #humanRightsAbuses #fifacorruption #WorldCupFinal
The Library on Telegram
QUESTION: Did Justin Trudeau gain control of Canada the same way Joe Biden took control of America?
QUESTION: Are the same people responsible for both?
#electiontheft #humanRightsAbuses
Australia want to give #criminals and #pedophileRapists the ability to claim that #communications were placed on their system by purveyors of #malware, and that they are being framed.
Well done, #Australian securocrats. Help our elite criminals and #centralBankers.
You are #blackHats.
#imprisonList #majorParties #twoPartyPolitics #criminality #crime #plausibleDeniability #amnestyInternational #humanRightsAbuses #kleptocrats #securocrats #nepotists #cronyists #corporateState #protest
#criminals #pedophileRapists #communications #malware #australian #centralBankers #blackHats #ImprisonList #majorParties #twopartypolitics #criminality #crime #plausibleDeniability #amnestyinternational #humanRightsAbuses #kleptocrats #securocrats #nepotists #cronyists #corporateState #protest
Oh the irony... #Australia's #NationalBroadcaster is #ChinaBashing on scant nothings, on the day our #journalist and #publisher, #JulianAssange faces #extradition to the #US from the #UK where he is being #tortured and can expect to be #murdered for revealing #warCrimes.
#yellowPeril #forcedNews #humanrights #humanRightsAbuses #myABC #yourABC #ourABC #cruelAndDegradingTreatment #QandA #disinformation #astroturfing #gaslighting #russiagate #huawei #establishmentMedia #forcedNarratives
#cruelAndDegradingTreatment #qanda #disinformation #astroturfing #gaslighting #russiagate #huawei #establishmentMedia #forcedNarratives #australia #NationalBroadcaster #ChinaBashing #journalist #publisher #julianassange #extradition #us #uk #tortured #murdered #warcrimes #YellowPeril #forcedNews #humanrights #humanRightsAbuses #myABC #yourABC #ourABC