Norobiik · @Norobiik
216 followers · 3447 posts · Server

Getting a sense that things are converging fast. AI, robots and now human augmentation.

"Extra parts, from a thumb to an arm, could be designed to help boost our capabilities"

with robotic body parts is at hand, say scientists | | The Guardian

#robotics #medicalresearch #humanaugmentation

Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Mackey · @davidshq
638 followers · 800 posts · Server

For those interested in , I've rewritten much of the introductory article on my plans for a next-generation search engine:

I've defined the characteristics ( commitments to create a better world) and foundational characteristic (that which delivers the superior results, ) of the .

As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. I have much to learn!

#search #philosophical #ethical #humanaugmentation #searchengine #informationretrieval #websearch

Last updated 1 year ago

Scott Matter · @scottmatter
650 followers · 838 posts · Server

Love to see the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre of the UK Ministry of Defence publishing things like this:

"Economic interests will heavily influence the direction of human augmentation development and they are likely to differ from society’s interests. The private sector invests more in research and development and has greater organisational agility than state institutions, meaning it can employ the best researchers to stay at the cutting edge of human augmentation research. Developing enhancements is likely to be highly profitable but activities will focus on the most lucrative activities and not necessarily on those that deliver the greatest benefit to humanity. The tension between states, societies and market forces is nothing new, but the consequences of mismanaging a technology as potent as human augmentation could be profound."

#humanaugmentation #privatesector #capitalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Dave Mackey · @davidshq
332 followers · 347 posts · Server

3/ Over time largely replaced - the ability to more of the became more important than the ability to find the .

While we gained much in this manner we also lost much. I think we can still see folks yearning for in the popularity of , e.g.:

The lists go on...

#searchengines #webdirectories #search #internet #bestoftheweb #humanaugmentation #awesomelists

Last updated 2 years ago

Dave Mackey · @davidshq
332 followers · 347 posts · Server

2/ But how could a meaningfully improve ?

I believe the best is provided by machines plus .

For a long time we had , e.g. , /#odp, , that provides human search results...and these results where often of high quality but limited in scale.

As the became more integral to human life the ability to maintain human-curated directories decreased.

#searchengine #socioeconomic #equity #search #humanaugmentation #directories #yahoo #DMoz #worldwidewebvirtuallibrary #internetpubliclibrary #curated #internet

Last updated 2 years ago