@RayvenMcFurr @balthybibi @errante @laura
Eh, that's playing on easy mode.
Try talking about #humanbiodiversity
People hate and fear... pathologically and obsessively.
Here's a handy chronicle:
#HumanBiodiversity (#HBD) has gone from controversial to more widely accepted, especially in medicine.
@ThePoastmasterGeneral @Hempressemilym @Rogue_Koala
Thinking more in #HumanBiodiversity (#HBD) terms:
In Africa, lots of stuff dwells in the water that can kill you.
In Europe, a Wells catfish might eat a kid every century or so.
I would be very careful about going into the water in the jungle. Not just from the big predators, but all the exciting diseases and parasites.
This group is for a candid discussion of race science and human origins. We will try to keep polemics to a minimum and focus on both the latest science and the history of thinking on the topic, technical and humanistic.
For thirty generations after admixture, you get those original traits re-appearing at random (atavism).
What percentage do you think that is?
You might enjoy our #HumanBiodiversity (#HBD) group on Gab:
For those interested in human genetics, try our #HumanBiodiversity (#HDB) group on Gab:
Not mixed with another racial group.
Almost all of your questions are better asked here:
We have a thriving #HBD (#HumanBiodiversity) community there.
The few surviving Homo sapiens in Africa were said to have survived by developing sophisticated social, symbolic and economic strategies that enabled them to eventually re-expand and populate Asia 60,000 years ago in a single, rapid wave along the Indian Ocean coastline.
#hbd #humanbiodiversity #geneticarchaeology