According to a new study, companies that replace people with AI will get left behind. The study found that the most successful firms use AI to augment human capabilities, not to automate them. By doing so, they can create more value, innovation and customer loyalty. The key is to balance AI with human skills, such as creativity, empathy and judgment. #AI #humancapital #businessstrategy
#ai #humancapital #businessstrategy
What collaboration barriers do you face more frequently? What keeps you from expressing your skills and working collaboratively?
Last month I talked on the Living Room Conversations about obstacles at work. I listed process, self-imposed barriers and cultural barriers.
#humanocracy #futureofwork #HumanCapital #Collaboration
#humanocracy #futureofwork #humancapital #collaboration
The latest trend in #corporate #speak is referring to people as #humancapital. While this insulting, it is at least truthful; a gussied up term for capital fodder.
#corporate #speak #humancapital
Are you feeling stuck in a meaningless job? Trying in vain to gain inspiration and purpose from your managers? You're not alone. But what if I told you there are other ways to find meaning and motivation at work beyond the hierarchy?
Try finding inspiration from peers, seek diverse social circles. If possible redesign organizational practices to prioritize purpose.
#humancapital #futureofwork #collaboration
An analysis of employee survey data shows that at many companies, women have less autonomy and control than men. Here are five ways to create more equity.
#Women #Workplace #Empowerment #Diversity #HumanCapital
#women #workplace #empowerment #diversity #humancapital
Debugging code has pedagogical value.
You learn the language’s logic, syntax, and grammar.
If tooling like Copilot or ChatGPT can accelerate or eliminate that difficulty in solve for the nuts and bolts, what does mean for maintenance of the mountain of tech debt which two to four decade-old large, complex systems rely on to, y’know, run the world?
#technology #learning #softwaredevelopment #techdebt #generativeAI #runtheworld #sre #resiliency #humancapital #changemanagement
#technology #learning #softwaredevelopment #techdebt #generativeAI #runtheworld #sre #resiliency #humancapital #changemanagement
There’s no American history without Black people, there’s no sustainable future of the Republic without Black Americans.
The constraints of the American human capital supply chain are known.
We can continue to ignore them, though.
#blackhistorymonth #humancapital #dei
Fuck you and your #identityCapital or #humanCapital or #anythingCapital. So fucking stupid.
#identitycapital #humancapital #anythingcapital
Congratulations to David Staley on the upcoming publication of his new book, "Knowledge Towns, Colleges and Universities as Talent Magnets," (Johns Hopkins University Press, March 2023).…
#histodons #history #universities #talent #knoweldge #community #HumanCapital
#humancapital #community #knoweldge #talent #universities #history #histodons
in the same way that the internet democratizes access to information, the rise of AI will #democratize access to the equivalent of #humancapital, further leveling the playing field for the less privileged.
#ChatGPT #GPT-4 #Humanity
#humanity #gpt #chatgpt #humancapital #democratize
I don't write about the S in #ESG nearly enough, yet one could argue that amid years of climate pledges, it was #SocialJustice issues that thrust ESG into the spotlight.
Two weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to see two panels with six amazing women who shared their experiences with DEI, social justice trends, the data challenge, impact, and having the courage to walk away.
Check out the summary of these two sessions and how it's all leading up to a new level of accountability for corporates.
Thanks to Crystal Barnes, Devin Glenn, Ellen Holloman (for the title, too), Deepika Yadav, MBA, Tracy Akinade MBA, MA (She / Hers), and Alpana Mittal for sharing your insights!
#Equity #CorporateGovernance #Representation #Talent #HumanCapital #FundamentalRights #Diversity
#esg #SocialJustice #equity #Corporategovernance #representation #talent #humancapital #fundamentalrights #diversity
#Ableism #HumanResources #DisabilityStrategy #InclusionStrategy #Inclusion #InclusionAndDiversity #InclusionAtWork #Value #HumanCapital #DisabilityAwareness #Employment #Discrimination #IncludeAll #WearTheSunflower #DwME #DoctorsWithME #HiddenDisabilitiesSunflower #MakingTheInvisibleVisible #SunflowerLanyard #NonVisibleDisabilities #InvisibleDisabilities #PurpleSockDay #LightItUpPurple #Ableism #InclusiveLanguage #InclusiveBusiness #GlobalBusiness #DisabilityInclusion #DisabilitySmart
#ableism #humanresources #disabilitystrategy #inclusionstrategy #inclusion #inclusionanddiversity #InclusionatWork #value #humancapital #disabilityawareness #employment #discrimination #includeall #wearthesunflower #DwME #DoctorsWithME #hiddendisabilitiessunflower #makingtheinvisiblevisible #SunflowerLanyard #nonvisibledisabilities #invisibledisabilities #purplesockday #lightituppurple #inclusivelanguage #inclusivebusiness #globalbusiness #disabilityinclusion #DIsabilitySmart
Excited to have my article in the #HoustonChronicle. Despite recent layoffs, demand for workers continues, & with more workers approaching retirement, will likely continue. Impact on strategy and governance and is enormous. Boards and CEOs need to pay attention. #humanCapital #hr
#HoustonChronicle #humancapital #hr
Qatari National Blockchain Blueprint Spotlights Benefits of the Technology to Country’s Economy
#CommunicationsRegulatoryAuthority #HamadBinKhalifaUniversity #blockchaininnovation #EmergingMarkets #QatarUniversity #humancapital #Blockchain #Innovation
#CommunicationsRegulatoryAuthority #HamadBinKhalifaUniversity #blockchaininnovation #EmergingMarkets #QatarUniversity #humancapital #blockchain #innovation
It's a good thing no one ever loses money in the future's market.
#healthcare #bankers #humancapital