I am closely watching our planet's temperature lurch upward again (12-month running mean; updated through June 2023)... #HumanCausedClimateChange
+ More climate indicator visualizations: https://zacklabe.com/climate-change-indicators/
+ Data from: https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/ecv-for-climate-change?tab=form
#HumanCausedClimateChange is turning high #temperatures that would once have been considered improbable into more commonplace occurrences. And it is intensifying the #heat & dryness that fuel catastrophic #wildfires, allowing them to burn longer & more ferociously, & to churn out more #smoke.
#ClimateChange is “the elephant in the room” that is worsening #wildfires & their effects on #AirQuality, said JohnC.Lin, prof of atmospheric science U of Utah.
#humancausedclimatechange #temperatures #heat #wildfires #smoke #climatechange #airquality