Bit of advertising here, folks: my new book, 'Talking Heads: The New Science of How Conversation Shapes Our Worlds' Amazon & through your local bookshop: ISBN: 9781847926487
#TalkingHeadsBook #ScienceOfConversation #HumanConnection #NeuronsToNations #ConversationalNeuroscience #SocialAnimals #CommunicationScience #BrainResearch #SocietalImpact #ConversationalExploration #PopulistNationalism #FutureImagination #BetterTomorrow #WorldBuilding
#talkingheadsbook #scienceofconversation #humanconnection #neuronstonations #conversationalneuroscience #socialanimals #communicationscience #brainresearch #societalimpact #conversationalexploration #populistnationalism #futureimagination #bettertomorrow #worldbuilding
Imagine the power of kind words.
If speaking kindly to plants aids their growth, think of the wonders it can do for humans. 🌱💬❤️
#speakkindness #humanconnection
Lovely quote..
Our thoughts are not unique but we are constantly amazed at that reality. There is a thread of connection that runs through us all. Some wonder at it, some choose to ignore it What power there would be if we all embraced it.
#humanConnection #books
Just had a moment where I was walking outside the bus station and me and some other pedestrians were amused by a rat darting under a trash can. Then the rat ran within an inch of my feet to hide under a fence and we all laughed at it, and it was just this weird, grimy and beautiful moment that we all shared together. Then we all went our separate ways.
It's something odd to feel connected about, but honestly, when stuff like this happens, I love my city so much.
#rats #rodents #nightlife #humanconnection #cityliving
I just started a new job at Sakes Kick Off where the predominant theme was authenticity and trust
I think our culture is craving vulnerability and authenticity and connection, maybe even more so in our business and work.
#sales #salesengineer #authenticity #humanconnection
#sales #salesengineer #authenticity #humanconnection
The power of presence: What drew me to healthcare
When I first decided to pursue a career in healthcare, I knew that it would be a challenging field. But what drew me in was the opportunity to make a real difference in people's lives.
Holly MacKenna is an integrative psychiatrist.
Listen here:
#healthcareprovider #presence #humanconnection #patientcare #caregiver #mentalhealthawareness
#healthcareprovider #presence #humanconnection #patientcare #caregiver #mentalhealthawareness
AI platform releases AI tool for identifying AI written content. “Ai ai aiiiii carrumba!” Try it yourself, link in comments.
I realise I’ve been banging on A LOT about the recent hype in this area, I’ve somehow ended up in a weird echo chamber and I’m gonna clamber out soon, promise!
#ai #content #chatgpt #openai #artificialintelligence #aicontent #humanconnection #contentwriting #copywriting #contentmarketing
#ai #content #chatgpt #openai #artificialintelligence #aicontent #humanconnection #contentwriting #copywriting #contentmarketing
Life can get so busy (or too digital) that we either forget or underestimate the power of a chat over coffee with another person. #humanconnection #unplugged #mentalhealth #mumlife
#humanconnection #unplugged #mentalhealth #mumlife
Ich hatte mich ja eine Zeit lang für #HumanConnection begeistert.
Für mich war es schon länger vorbei, jetzt macht auch die Plattform dicht:
Hello, pour faire suite au Tweet de Patrick PIET, je vous invite à me rejoindre sur #HumanConnection
Was ich mir als nächstes ansehen werde:
HUMAN CONNECTION - EIN NETZWERK VON MENSCHEN FÜR MENSCHEN Das Ziel von Human Connection ist die Schaffung eines gemeinnützigen sozialen Wissens- und Aktionsnetzwerks, um den Herausforderungen unserer Zeit gemeinsam zu begegnen und eine lebenswerte Zukunft für alle Menschen und zukünftigen Generationen zu schaffen. Jederzeit, als Einzelner, #HumanConnection
Vielleicht ersparen ich mir damit zukünftig Faceboogle-Diskussionen.
#HumanConnection is yet another existing project now considering adding support for #ActivityPub. AP #ForTheWin!
#humanconnection #activitypub #forthewin