#FacebooksAlgorithm may be "influential," but it cannot replace the power of human interaction and thought! #SocialMedia should not be used as a tool to shape beliefs, and we must remain vigilant to ensure that it doesn't. #AlgorithmAwareness #DigitalSafety #HumanInteraction http://www.techmeme.com/230727/p28#a230727p28
#facebooksalgorithm #socialmedia #algorithmawareness #digitalsafety #humaninteraction
Exploring the fascinating world of social psychology and its impact on our lives! Dive into thought-provoking insights and discover how our behavior is influenced by social factors. Join me on this enlightening journey as we unravel the mysteries of human interaction and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.
#SocialPsychology #HumanInteraction #SelfAwareness #PsychologyOfSocialBehavior #ExploringHumanBehavior #MindsetExploration #SocialPsychologyJourney
#socialpsychologyjourney #mindsetexploration #exploringhumanbehavior #psychologyofsocialbehavior #selfawareness #humaninteraction #socialpsychology
Met our new #CommunityGarden neighbor today and she’s delightful. Minutes after introductions we were sharing plants, produce and stories. Also, she intimated that her friend (who we also know) gave us a good recommendation as neighbors. 😆 #gardening #HumanInteraction #JustConnect #Garlic
#garlic #justconnect #humaninteraction #gardening #communitygarden
Dr. Ted Selker is the extraordinary mind behind #TrackPoint and several other technologies. I'm honoured to have had the opportunity to sit down and discuss various topics with him. Come learn more!
Please share the video and let me know if you have any questions or topics that could be covered in a future interview.
#trackpoint #thinkpad #history #pc #interview #Video #humaninteraction
Decided to check out #mindmapping as an organizational technique as I settle in on an acknowledged goal of finishing my #FirstDraftWorstDraft by May 19.
Usually a goal like that results in me ignoring other key aspects of my personal life, so I'm practicing fitting multiple daily goals into one brain. :)
#Walk #Write #Pandiculate #NutritiousMovement #Ukulele #Community #HumanInteraction
I found #WiseMapping and am finding it fairly intuitive and engaging.
#mindmapping #firstdraftworstdraft #walk #write #pandiculate #nutritiousmovement #ukulele #community #humaninteraction #wisemapping
#machinelearning #künstlicheintelligenz #artificialintelligence #artificialintelligenceai #deeplearning #naturallanguageprocessing #algorithm #humaninteraction
AAAI Spring Symposium: Call für Konferenzreihe zu Künstlicher Intelligenz
Vom 27. bis 29. März 2023 findet das Frühjahrs-Symposium der Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence statt: Bewerben geht bis zum 15. Januar.
#humaninteraction #algorithm #naturallanguageprocessing #deeplearning #artificialintelligenceai #artificialintelligence #kunstlicheintelligenz #machinelearning
#Job für #Informatiker und #Informatikerinnen: Forschung im Bereich Provenienz dlr.de/dlr/jobs/deskt… — #Provenance in #DecentralizedSystems, #Provenance #Visualization, #HumanInteraction with Provenance #GraphVisualization
#jobs #graphvisualization #humaninteraction #visualization #decentralizedsystems #provenance #informatikerinnen #informatiker #job
#Job für #Informatiker und #Informatikerinnen: Forschung im Bereich Provenienz dlr.de/dlr/jobs/deskt… — #Provenance in #DecentralizedSystems, #Provenance #Visualization, #HumanInteraction with Provenance #GraphVisualization
#Jobs #ScienceJobs
#ScienceJobs #jobs #graphvisualization #humaninteraction #visualization #decentralizedsystems #provenance #informatikerinnen #informatiker #job
#TuesdayColumn: After tens of thousands of years of intraspecies #communication, culminating in world-spanning empires built upon rewarding and productive interaction between cognizant individuals, you'd think we'd be better at. #HumanInteraction #psychology #writing #SocialInteraction
Peer-to-Peer Connection Issues:
#tuesdaycolumn #communication #humaninteraction #psychology #writing #socialinteraction