This is not an improvement. You want your users to *find and launch your app* to change climate control settings? That is beyond ridiculous.
#Car makers need to stop putting *everything* behind touchscreens; operating a hand-eye-coordination video game is *not* what drivers should be doing while they drive.
Buttons, switches, and knobs can be operated by touch alone. They are superior to touchscreens for many commonly-used controls. Bonus: when designed well, they impart a sense of quality and luxury to your car’s driving experience that can’t be replicated by a touchscreen.
#cars #carDesign #humanInterface #uxDesign
“Porsche unveils revamped CarPlay experience with climate controls and more”
#car #cars #cardesign #humaninterface #uxdesign
A Cheap 3D Printer Control Panel as a General Purpose Interface #reverseengineering #HumanInterface #module #Parts
#ReverseEngineering #humaninterface #module #Parts
A Cheap 3D Printer Control Panel as a General Purpose Interface - Browsing the usual websites for Chinese electronics, there are a plethora of elect... - #reverseengineering #humaninterface #module #parts
#parts #module #humaninterface #reverseengineering
Wann kümmert sich @Mastodon eigentlich um Layer 8?
#humaninterface #layereight #60cm
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Stage Manager, intuition and changing interfaces
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System Settings in Ventura: a turn for the worse?
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Why Ventura’s Stage Manager is so important
#humaninterface #MissionControl #StageManager #Technology #macOS13 #Ventura #Finder #Spaces #Macs
#humaninterface #MissionControl #stagemanager #technology #macOS13 #ventura #Finder #spaces #macs
mozilla lens, run free software, and block all targeted ads and billboards... (salivating...)...
#glasses #opensource #mozilla #filter #adblock #humaninterface #adfree #soon #joy #augmentedreality #animatedgif
#humaninterface #animatedgif #glasses #opensource #filter #adblock #adfree #joy #augmentedreality #mozilla #soon
jailbreak google glass, run free software, and block all targeted ads and billboards… (salivating…)…
#advertising #advertisers #ad-blocker #webcomic #gif #TVNF #tech #comic #adblock #theverynearfuture
#filter #adblock #humaninterface #adfree #soon #joy
#ad #tech #comic #advertising #advertisers #gif #tvnf #adblock #theverynearfuture #filter #humaninterface #adfree #soon #joy