I appreciate hearing more of that context. Do you have any feminist/leftist critiques of her that you could share? (either in English or Spanish)
As to the religion/culture element - many Jews are agnostics and atheists. And some Jews enjoy celebrating cultural elements of other traditions (including in her case the mythical Virgin of Guadalupe). This particular critique is a non-issue for me as a proud humanistic Jew.
Time for a new #Intro Post
#HamRadio - @kg5jst
PRONOUNS: he/him
White and #Cherokee (non-citizen)
Mostly cis/het
#Jewish @jmb@simcha.lgbt
#Attorney - jmbranum.com
#Editor - shj.org/magazine
www.jmb.mx (part of #Fediverse)
Note: I seek to use alt text for photos.
I do not do CW's for political/activism posts
#intro #humanisticjudaism #oklahoma #peace #lgbtq #socialjustice #socialism #autism #bicycles #cuba #hamradio #cherokee #autistic #democraticsocialist #jewish #attorney #editor #interfaithofficiant #fediverse
Sharing this video from Rabbi Miriam Jerris as a reflection for the #Elul season of contemplating on one's life.
#elul #humanisticjudaism #mazeldon #jewdiverse
Fascinating story about the only #Jewish person in #Greenland (not counting the military bases)
And... it looks like he is a #HumanisticJew according to the story!
#Mazeldon #Jewdiverse #HumanisticJudaism
#KalaallitNunaat #Grønland #Judaism
#jewish #greenland #humanisticjew #mazeldon #jewdiverse #humanisticjudaism #kalaallitnunaat #gronland #judaism
#humanisticjudaism #mazeldon #judaism
@usefulcharts Giving a little more context, I would say that your explanation of #HumanisticJudaism was maybe a little short and incomplete.
I have two things I would suggest adding (if you ever update these videos)...
1. Humanistic Judaism is not only for atheists. The movement also has many agnostics, but also pantheists, ignostics, etc. The unifying factor is not a belief in the non-existence of God, but rather the idea that humans are in charge and (continued...)
@usefulcharts I'm
very happy that #HumanisticJudaism was included in this video!
Also, FYI, this video is getting discussed a lot already on the Humanistic Judaism facebook discussion group.
#Mazeldon #SecularJudaism #Israel #HumanisticJudaism
Davar - To Combat Jewish Fundamentalism, Secular Judaism Must Reinvent Itself
#mazeldon #secularjudaism #israel #humanisticjudaism
Great new video from the Society for #HumanisticJudaism about what adoption (aka conversion) looks like in our movement.
#humanisticjudaism #jewishconversion #mazeldon #jewdiverse #judaism
I'm experimenting a little today with trying to reinterpret some traditional Jewish liturgy in a humanistic way.
I'm working with Model Ani, and here is what I've come up with so far...
אני מודה על השמחה שבהתעוררות
Tranaliterated: Ani modeh/modah el hasimcha shivhatorerut - but not sure about this as google translate doesn't give vowel markers
English: I give thanks for the joy of waking up.
#humanisticjudaism #mazeldon #jewdiverse
Join us for our #Shabbat service this Saturday at 12 pm EDT/1600 UTC.
To register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYkdeChrTkoHte9KbMnWzJsQCAC-9z3CGVz
In this alternative #TishaBav service, we will questioning why are we still mourning the destruction of the Temple and its cult of animal sacrifice? In fact, as Humanistic Jews, shouldn't we be seeing Tisha B'av in a new way - as a day of celebrating the continuing reinvention of our tradition? We will be discussing this after a short D'var Torah talk.
#shabbat #tishabav #humanisticjudaism #mazeldon
Absolute madness and an obvious #FirstAmendment issue.
The #MilitaryReligiousFreedonFoundation is an important organization that should be respected and heard, not attacked by clueless lawmakers who don't respect the #EatablishmentClause.
Also --- let's be frank. I believe the attacks on #MRFF fueled by #AntiSemitism, based on past attacks made on the MRFF by those who offended by it's leader, Mikey Weinstein is #Jewish.
#firstamendment #militaryreligiousfreedonfoundation #eatablishmentclause #mrff #antisemitism #jewish #mazeldon #jewdiverse #humanisticjudaism
I hope he goes for it. I've been very impressed with Rep. Raskin for many reasons, but especially for his being public about being a #HumanisticJew.
#JamieRaskin #HumanisticJudaism #Mazeldon #Jewdiverse #Maryland
#humanisticjew #jamieraskin #humanisticjudaism #mazeldon #jewdiverse #maryland
Are you interested in #Judaism, but not dogma? Judaism without God is a thing! Click below to find out more about adopting cultural Judaism!
#HumanisticJudaism #JewishConversion
#judaism #jewdiverse #humanisticjudaism #jewishconversion #mazeldon
I am very proud to announce that the Sci-Fi themed issue of #HumanisticJudaism magazine is now out!
For a preview of the issue, read on in this 🧵
#Mazeldon @Mazeldon@a.gup.me #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Judaism #StarTrek #IsaacAsimov
#humanisticjudaism #mazeldon #scifi #sciencefiction #judaism #startrek #isaacasimov
#Intro We are a #Havurah (aka a small Jewish community) that meets online.
We are #International with our leadership team coming from both North America and Europe, with regular attenders from South and Central America, Australia and Asia.
We are part of the movement of #HumanisticJudaism which means we do our best to use #NonTheistic liturgy in our services.
We also seek to be an #Inclusive community, including for #LGBTQ people and non-Ashkenazi Jews.
#intro #havurah #international #humanisticjudaism #nontheistic #inclusive #lgbtq #mazeldon #introduction
Shabbat Shalom!
I have really been isolating myself pretty badly recently due to #grief. #bereavement
Making an effort today to step back into community.
#grief #bereavement #mazeldon #humanisticjudaism
About to start my first class (via zoom) in the IISHJ's training program for becoming a Jewish Lifecycle officiant.
After years of ministry experience in a Christian context (in my old religious life), I'm looking forward to plunging into the art of helping folks plan meaningful lifecycle events in a humanistic Jewish context.
New #Intro for coming back to this server
I'm going to be using this account to post about #Judaism & #HumanisticJudaism.
I'm a proud #Reform (member of Temple B'nai Israel in #OKC) and #Humanistic (@social.coop/@spinoza) Jew in #Oklahoma by way of #Conversion.
My views on #Israel and #Palestine do not fit well in Zionist or AntiZionist camps.
Posts = my opinion alone
Boosts = express interest
Nothing I post is legal advice.
#intro #judaism #humanisticjudaism #reform #okc #humanistic #oklahoma #conversion #israel #palestine #peace #shalom #salaam #democraticsocialist #jewishart