Looking for people using #Obsidian for #information_management in #DH or other #HumanisticResearch I need to share without asking my students to $
Yes, placed the question to @Obsidian and know about the for pay plug-in. Hoping for ideas other than OneNote.
#humanisticresearch #dh #information_management #Obsidian
Two profs at #UofTMississauga are uniting scholars across the globe with an aim to break free of traditional boundaries & answer the question: What should #HumanisticResearch look like in a post-pandemic world?#HistoricalStudies professor Ajay Rao & #VisualStudies professor Jill Caskey are leading a #research initiative called The Global Past.
Read more on our website: https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/main-news/connecting-cultures-and-archives-utm-researchers-spearhead-global-humanities-project
#Research #visualstudies #historicalstudies #humanisticresearch #uoftmississauga