Very good news! @amnesty @AmnestySverige
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BBC News (World): Ghana parliament votes to abolish death penalty


#deathpenalty #Ghana #humanitymatters

Last updated 1 year ago

ervinsson · @erv
7 followers · 44 posts · Server

@cmorris πŸ’” just heartbreaking disparities: The Titanic sub's search commands attention, while a migrant shipwreck with hundreds feared dead fades from the spotlight. It's a dark reflection on humanity. Let's remember every life lost and demand equal compassion for all.

#humanitymatters #equalrespect #titan #oceangate

Last updated 1 year ago

@springdiesel The pretty uncomfortable truth holds, that Hitler's Nazis framed their antisemitic Nuremberg race laws inspired by American racist anti-POC laws & rules like the "one-drop policy".
And that America succeeded at defeating the Nazis at Normandy's Omaha & Utah beaches, but failed to do so in real Omaha, Utah & other parts of the United States. Until today.
Deterred (?) by an almost self-destructive interpretation of the First Amendment?

#defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #democracy #humanitymatters #JusticeMatters #defeatnazism #drainracism #whitesupremashit #wecandothis #wemustdothis #UnitedInDiversity #strongertogether

Last updated 2 years ago

@OlDude82 @BBCBreaking Stand with Gary Lineker!

"Populism" must never trump people!

"Populism" must never trump human rights!

"Populism" must never trump humanity!

#humanrights #standwithhumanity #humanitymatters

Last updated 2 years ago

@marcibadwolf303 @kevinrns Today's "GOP" is the americanized version of "Lebensborn e.V.".

An ahistorical master-racist absurdity & atrocity, focused on the superiority of just one color of skin: white.

WTF is "Lebensborn"? =>

#DefendAmerica #humanitymatters #humanity #racism #nazism #drainracism #constitutionrocks #reconstructionamendments #banthegop

Last updated 2 years ago

@SrRochardBunson What Germans learned the hard & painful way from 12 years of an illusionary, infamous & all-out warring genocidal "1000-year-Reich":

Don't ever let the enemies of democracy abuse democracy to destroy democracy.

#defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #democracy #freedom #humandignity #equality #responsibility #humanitymatters #yourvoicematters

Last updated 2 years ago

@sonyasteele "Thou shalt not kill" it's said. Why TF does it take humans thousands of years to understand?
Especially in countries, the population of which prides itself with allegedly being "Christian"?

#savelives #humanitymatters #humanity #freedom #equality #dignity #respect #UnitedInDiversity

Last updated 2 years ago

@TonyStark Nothing proves being "pro-life" like putting women to death for having an abortion.

There's nothing f**king "grand" about today's Barbarican party, bastards of American democracy & human mankind.

#savelives #banthegop #criminalorganization #deathcult #partyoflies #partyofdeath #DefendAmerica #defenddemocracy #humanitymatters #humanity #womensrights #humanrights #abortionrights

Last updated 2 years ago

@sonyasteele 158 years after the defeat of the racist slaveholder Confederacy & subsequent "Reconstruction Amendments" its a damning & shameful testimony of ignorance & susceptibility to outdated racist schemes, that the acceptability of higher public officials still seems to depend on their color of skin or even one drop of "non-white" blood.

The fact, that the genocidal Nazis learned from American racists, how to craft their antisemitic Nuremberg laws should be warning enough, that there's still a lot of homework to do.

FFS, America deserves more than just one drop of sanity.

#americadeservesbetter #drainracism #racism #humanitymatters #strongertogether #UnitedInDiversity

Last updated 2 years ago

@stevensrmiller @GottaLaff Defeating the Nazis overseas was great, while those at home were fatally overlooked, even if they inspired Hitler's Nazis to include a lot of their hateful racism in the Nuremberg laws targeting jews, which finally led to the Holocaust.

#defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #democracy #humanitymatters #dignity #respect #humanrights

Last updated 2 years ago

@Heimdall The United States were (violently) established on indigenous ground.
There's no freaking reason to feel superior due to extreme indifference to human life.

American history is Americans' history. You can make history, but you mustn't make up history.

#history #indivisiblehistory #humanitymatters #humanity #equality #justice #desantis #gophistoryforgers #rebellion #insurrection #unelectablegop

Last updated 2 years ago

Laceys House · @LaceysHouse
10 followers · 278 posts · Server

@Lowie You'll hardly ever be loved by everyone, & hardly you'll ever be able to love everyone, like eg monsters of human history like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot or Putin.

#humanitymatters #humanity

Last updated 2 years ago

@BrianHarrod 😎 Note: It's not the friendly-smiling uncle's & auntie's face, that makes them (un)electable.
It's what they totally unfunnily sign, to decide over the fates of your fellow-humans.

#humanitymatters #humanity #minorities #equality #respect #dignity #UnitedInDiversity #yourvoicematters

Last updated 2 years ago

@strong_sue @SteveRogers @AgentCarter_SSR @TonyStark Another sad fact, proving that intentional "Republican" mis- & disinformation killed "GOP's" own voter, solely for power gains.
For this horrible indifference to human life alone, "Republican" officials should be forever barred from ever holding public offices again.

#savelives #humanitymatters #banthegop #gopkills #americadeservesbetter

Last updated 2 years ago

@SteveRogers @AgentCarter_SSR @TonyStark Is it any wonder, that fundamentally antisocial elements like today's "Republicans" would corruptly aim at destroying social programs?
I'm clearly unsurprised.
It's worth remembering, how enthusiastically "Republicans" advocated achieving "natural herd immunity", when the much deadlier Coronavirus variants were raging & killing all over the nation & the world, obviously approving the deaths of hundreds of thousands Americans as "acceptable".
That were times again proving the "GOP's" shocking indifference to human life, not only of their own voters, but all Americans.
Following the bad example of their then-leading sociopath-in-chief in Oval Office, Donald Trump.

#medicare #socialsecurity #healthcare #humanitymatters #humanity #unelectablegop #sociopathsinoffice #corruption #americadeservesbetter

Last updated 2 years ago

@GottaLaff Slave labor abusing underage kids in the country of Eleanor Roosevelt, the outspoken, brilliant proponent of the Declaration of Human Rights.
It's disgraceful - for the abusers of underage children!

#humanrights #humanity #humanitymatters #slavelabor #meatpacking

Last updated 2 years ago

Yes, a "party", allowed to run for public offices in the United States of America, that kneels before Putin, the originator of a number of wars of aggression, while condemning Americans for taking a knee in protest against racist deadly police brutality against Americans of color, is not an American party, but an anti-American, racist, anti-constitutional, anti-human, anti-Christian entity, which forfeited any right to hold any public office.

#DefendAmerica #humanitymatters #defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #liberty #equality #community #banthegop #unelectablegop #americadeservesbetter

Last updated 2 years ago

Smerks1109 · @Smerks1109
81 followers · 346 posts · Server

Why a lot of us suffer with horrendous politics to live here. There’s good everywhere.

sea turtle released after rehabbing in Florida

#floridalife #humanitymatters #loggerhead

Last updated 2 years ago