After a brilliant 2nd dat with #humanleague #timebandits and so many more, going to enjoy #OMD on closing day ❤️ #wfestival
#wfestival #omd #TimeBandits #humanleague
Finishing up my #TuneTuesday birth-life-death trilogy for #TheCircleOfLife, here's another not-entirely-cheerful number, Circus Of Death by The Human League.
I've linked the video that was made for (I think) the 1980 release of the song - many early Human League songs got released multiple times in the vain hope of actually getting anyone to buy them - because IT CONTAINS A CAT.
So even if you don't like original Human League, watch the video because of the cat.
#tunetuesday #thecircleoflife #music #synths #humanleague #cat
#NowPlaying #HumanLeague Full EP from 1979, plus an interview from a flexi at the end.
1. THE DUD UGLYS - staring at the end
2. GIFTED CHILDREN - painting by numbers
3. THE BUG CLUB - short and round
4. MORREADORAS - morreadoras
5. HANS-A-PLAST - Lemminger Punks
6. HUMAN LEAGUE - beeing boiled
7. FATE - anti
8. SPECIALS - friday night saturday morning
#avenir #bugclub #cassandracomplex #duduglys #exwhite #fate #giftedchildren #HANSAPLAST #humanleague #morreadoras #PsychedelicFurs #softcell #specials
Happy anniversary to The Human League’s single, “Love Action (I Believe In Love)”. Released this week in 1981. #humanleague #thehumanleague #theleagueunlimitedorchestra #dare #loveaction #ibelieveinlove #hardtimes #loveanddancing #martinrushent
#humanleague #TheHumanLeague #theleagueunlimitedorchestra #dare #LoveAction #ibelieveinlove #hardtimes #loveanddancing #martinrushent
Happy anniversary to Human League’s single, “All I Ever Wanted”. Released this week in 2001. #humanleague #allieverwanted #secrets
#humanleague #allieverwanted #secrets
Almost forgot about the #ThursdayFiveList. Took some time to think about it this morning and then got distracted and oops.
Anyway, not too late. Here are some songs that are sort of connected to #TheVoid, maybe, a bit.
The All Seeing I (ft Phil Oakey) - First Man In Space
I could've used this when we did space songs on Friday. But I think it's better today, because of how it uses space as an allegory for emptiness, loneliness, and a loss of self-worth.
A.C. Jones and the Soulettes - Hole In Your Soul
Not the Abba song of the same name. And honestly, it barely fits the theme. It's just the title, attached to a lovely bit of Cleveland funk.
Keeley Forsyth - Lost
I'm not entirely sure this fits because I'm not entirely sure I understand the lyrics. But it seems to be about absence and emptiness? Anyway, it's an interesting number.
Mount Eerie - Emptiness
Kind of self-explanatory, how this fits.
Clark - Absence
A beautiful, introspective number. Fits the title in sound, if not words (it's instrumental).
#music #MountEerie #Clark #KeeleyForsyth #ACJones #TheSoulettes #TheAllSeeingI #PhilOakey #HumanLeague
#thursdayfivelist #thevoid #music #mounteerie #clark #keeleyforsyth #acjones #thesoulettes #theallseeingi #philoakey #humanleague
Happy anniversary to The League Unlimited Orchestra (aka The Human League) remix album, ‘Love And Dancing’. Released this week in 1982. #humanleague #thehumanleague #theleagueunlimitedorchestra #martinrushent #dare #dontyouwantme #thesoundofthecrowd #loveaction #openyourheart #thethingsthatdreamsaremadeof #seconds #loveanddancing
#humanleague #TheHumanLeague #theleagueunlimitedorchestra #martinrushent #dare #dontyouwantme #thesoundofthecrowd #LoveAction #openyourheart #thethingsthatdreamsaremadeof #seconds #loveanddancing
Happy anniversary to The Human League’s debut single, “Being Boiled”. Released this week in 1978. #humanleague #beingboiled #circleofdeath #philipoakey #martynware #iancraigmarsh #holiday80 #travelogue #reproduction
#humanleague #beingboiled #circleofdeath #philipoakey #martynware #iancraigmarsh #holiday80 #travelogue #reproduction
#80smusictaughtme to keep feeling fascination, passion burning, love so strong
#80smusictaughtme #humanleague
Somebody Up There Likes You.
My playlist of instrumental 80s New Wave / New Romantic synthpop (2.5 hours):
#NewWave #Synthpop #NewRomantics #HumanLeague #SimpleMinds #DuranDuran #Visage #GaryNuman
#newwave #synthpop #newromantics #humanleague #simpleminds #duranduran #visage #garynuman
Happy anniversary to The Human League’s album, ‘Hysteria’. Released this week in 1984. #humanleague #thehumanleague #hysteria #thelebanon #lifeonyourown #louise
#humanleague #TheHumanLeague #Hysteria #thelebanon #lifeonyourown #louise
OMFG I just saw the Human League live!
Didn't even realise this was a life-goal, but I just danced my well-toned little butt off to Being Boiled and Don't You Want Me.
#HumanLeague #DarkMadrid #80sKid #BornToMakeMistakes
#borntomakemistakes #80sKid #darkmadrid #humanleague
Another 1982 #FridayNight
#vinyl #HumanLeague #LoveAndDancing
#fridaynight #vinyl #humanleague #loveanddancing
Happy anniversary to The Human League’s single, “The Lebanon”. Released this week in 1984. #humanleague #thehumanleague #thelebanon #hysteria
#humanleague #TheHumanLeague #thelebanon #Hysteria
#JukeboxFridayNight #ItTakesTwo
Yay! Great group.
And my favourite #HumanLeague track, Things That Dreams Are Made Of (off the LP Dare), wasn't even a single.
#jukeboxfridaynight #ittakestwo #humanleague