Just off my easel today. Based on a photo by Fran Kennedy, with permission. A Mallintoy, Ireland sunset. Oils. #artist #artistsonmastodon #oilpainting #humanmade #ayearforart
#ayearforart #humanmade #oilpainting #artistsonmastodon #artist
Just completed this complex painting. I learned a lot from this one. Colours! #artistsonmastodon #artist #oilpainting #humanmade #mastoart
#mastoart #humanmade #oilpainting #artist #artistsonmastodon
#WorkInProgressWednesday What a great idea! This is what is on my easel this week.#Artist #artistsonmastodon #oilpainting #ayearforart #humanmade
#humanmade #ayearforart #oilpainting #artistsonmastodon #artist #WorkInProgressWednesday
Thanks to @patioboater for the use of his photo! Maybe a few touch ups once the paint dries. Oils. 12” x 16” #artistsonmastodon #humanmade #mastoart #painting #art
#art #painting #mastoart #humanmade #artistsonmastodon
Am I the only one bothered by “painterly style” photography? Seems to me that if you take a beautiful photograph, that is what you should present, not use fancy programs to mimic human made art. It takes me weeks to create a piece and it irks me. That is my rant for today. Thanks for listening. 🤣 #FediArt #artistsofmastodon #artwork #humanmade
#humanmade #artwork #artistsofmastodon #FediArt
Avoiding the use of AI generated content in products you make?
Want to make customers aware of that fact?
Check out these awesome Human Made icons by @Hinokodo that you can attach to your commercial and non-commercial designs!
#humanmade #ttrpg #ai #selfpublishing #art
#SilentSunday #HumanMade #NatureMade #FoundArt #Rust #SeaWater #FormerNavyAirfield #AbandonedStructures #SquantumPointPark #QuincyMA #BostonHarbor #DCR #Massachusetts
#massachusetts #DCR #bostonharbor #quincyma #squantumpointpark #abandonedstructures #formernavyairfield #seawater #Rust #foundart #NatureMade #humanmade #silentsunday
Artificial Inteligence: why I'll not hashtag my art #HumanArt, #HumanMade or #NoAI https://www.davidrevoy.com/article977/artificial-inteligence-why-i-ll-not-hashtag-my-art-humanart-humanmade-or-noai
When gods are held accountable
All #gods are #humanmade—and we make them unaccountable for a reason.
#mythology #religion #allah #christianity
#gods #humanmade #mythology #religion #allah #christianity
Danke an alle 18 Menschen die an der Umfrage teilgenommen haben:
56% sagen "Nur reguliert und transparent"
11% sagen "❌ nur #HumanMade"
meine Masto/Ferdiverse-Bubble ist also eher skeptisch-optimistisch was #KI angeht :)
Mir ist auch noch nicht klar wohin die Reise geht, meine Gestaltungen möchte ich nicht für (#ClosedSource) #GenerativeAI zum Training freigeben, ich werde aber Weiterbildungen zum Thema wahrnehmen - nach dem Motto Ja zu KI aber Fair!
#humanmade #ki #closedsource #generativeai #kiaberfair
Umfrage zu #KI und genrativer Kunst durch #StableDiffusion #DallE oder #Mindjourney oder #AdobeFirefly
#ki #stablediffusion #dalle #mindjourney #adobefirefly #ai #generativeart #noai #humanmade
Innitiative zu fairer KI unterstützen:
Ich habe das Positions unterschrieben, vor allem wegen der Forderung nach:
- Transparente Trainingsdaten als Zugangsvoraussetzung für KI-Anbieter
- Kennzeichnungspflicht für KI-generierte Medien
#KI #AI #KIAberFair #GenrativeAI #NoAI #HumanMade #KreativWirtschaft #Kunst #Design
#ki #ai #kiaberfair #genrativeai #noai #humanmade #kreativwirtschaft #kunst #design
Artificial Inteligence: why I'll not hashtag my art #HumanArt, #HumanMade or #NoAI - David Revoy: https://www.davidrevoy.com/article977/artificial-inteligence-why-i-ll-not-hashtag-my-art-humanart-humanmade-or-noai
Agreed, I don't find much value in AI art! Maybe there's some I'd like, but not worth seeking it out...
Mostly I see it replacing stockphotos which I find equally worthless!
And I'll say again: The tech isn't the issue. The narrative, the hype is.
Thanks to all of you who took part in my poll. So I have made my decision: I will no longer hashtag my art with #HumanArt, #HumanMade or #NoAI.
I've blogged about why this happened:
→ https://www.davidrevoy.com/article977/artificial-inteligence-why-i-ll-not-hashtag-my-art-humanart-humanmade-or-noai
#mastoart #krita #noai #humanmade #humanart
@davidrevoy I think #HumanMade is better than #HumanArt . Perhaps #HumanCrafted is an option?
#humancrafted #humanart #humanmade
Adimen artifizialarekin sortutako lanak markatuta egon beharko lirateke? Eta gizaki batek #AArik gabe sortutakoak? Nola egin identifikazioa medio desberdinetan?
Hemen eztabaida bizia piztu da:
#aa #noia #humanmade #humanart #humanmadeart #aiart #nobot #atwithopensource
@davidrevoy How about #HumanMadeWithoutAI or just #MadeWithoutAI? I feel it needs to be more specific than #HumanMade since that is a fine line of did a human make it and use AI or not.
#humanmadewithoutai #madewithoutai #humanmade
@davidrevoy I think something like #handmade, which is used for crafts and such, would fit best. I reckon #HandmadeArt would be a good tag. I just feel #HumanMade is a bit too... wide and undefined. Every building is Human-made. And #HumanArt kind of feels.. off for me. I can't define it, it just doesn't sound right!
#HandmadeArt *possibly* cuts into painter territory? But it's not like digital artists don't use their hands to make their art, so I think it's fine ^^
#handmade #handmadeart #humanmade #humanart