2023 Spatial #lightningtalks were a blast! Thank you https://twitter.com/spatialUCSB https://twitter.com/UCSBgeog https://twitter.com/STKO_UCSB for organizing this! My talk on #Mosquitoes and #HumanMobility #OpenData from https://twitter.com/mitmagob is available at https://youtube.com/watch?v=zuR9OH2A7wc&list=PL71KdhqVnIuMjxJhykqixMrxW4f-GkPoO&index=3 + many more great talks are in the same playlist!
#lightningtalks #mosquitoes #humanmobility #opendata
My lightning talk on how #HumanMobility #OpenData from
can be useful in improving mosquito dispersal models. Among other great talks on 🗓️ March 16 ⏰ 10am PDT/6pm CET 🌐 online https://twitter.com/spatialUCSB https://twitter.com/UCSBgeog https://twitter.com/STKO_UCSB
To attend: https://www.airmeet.com/e/f504c3b0-b9b6-11ed-b6fc-45e84e7c1e6a
Interested in movement analysis? Join us at the Disruptive Movement Analysis (DMA’23) GIScience conference
workshop in Leeds, UK, on 12 Sept. Featuring short research & vision papers, student competition, data challenge and a special issue of @ijgis
More info:
Workshop CfP: https://somayehdodge.info/amd-giscience/dma-2023/
GIScience conference:
#HumanMobility #MovementEcology
#GIScience #GPS #SpatialDataScience
#gischat #spatialbehaviour #spatialdatascience #gps #giscience #movementecology #humanmobility #movementanalysis
👋 I'm a pre-doctoral researcher exploring the fascinating intersection of human mobility 🏃 and disease ecology 🌐🦠 , esp. spread of mosquitoes 🦟 #SpatialDataScience #DiseaseEcology #HumanMobility #ComputationalSocialScience Read and interview with me: https://www.demogr.mpg.de/en/news_events_6123/news_press_releases_4630/news/egor_kotov_is_a_new_phd_student_at_the_laboratory_of_digital_and_computational_demography_11476
#spatialdatascience #diseaseecology #humanmobility #computationalsocialscience
My research is available on
#HumanMobility #Control Dynamics and Securitarian Infrastructure of #Borders.
#humanmobility #control #borders
📢The English version of my article is now available.🧐
#HumanMobility #Control Dynamics and Securitarian Infrastructure of #Borders. https://academia.edu/93467328/Human_Mobility_Control_Dynamics_and_Securitarian_Infrastructure_of_Borders_English_Version_ a través de
#humanmobility #control #borders
Hi, I'm Kevin! Over the past year or so I've been trying to become more involved in online communities / online community-making, and so I've been following folks with similar interests during their migration here. I'm mostly interested in #humanmobility, #turkiye, #socialsciences, #dataviz and #webdev.
I'm also hoping to share my own work more frequently, so here's a recent small project I'm proud of: https://observablehq.com/@kcole93/closed-turkish-neighborhoods
#webdev #dataviz #socialsciences #turkiye #humanmobility #introductions
Hi, I'm Kevin! Over the past year or so I've been trying to become more involved in online communities / online community-making, and so I've been following folks with similar interests during their migration here. I'm mostly interested in #humanmobility, #turkiye, #socialsciences, #dataviz and #webdev.
I'm also hoping to share my own work more frequently, so here's a recent small project I'm proud of: https://observablehq.com/@kcole93/closed-turkish-neighborhoods
#webdev #dataviz #socialsciences #turkiye #humanmobility #introductions
Food for thought: when/if twitter collapses, all the very popular studies in #GIScience using twitter data for #HumanMobility or #SpatialBehaviour (or well, other behaviour) will become obsolete. 🤔
It probably doesn't have to collapse completely, but even a significant change in userbase (as is happening now - although to what extent does this have to happen? And is now enough?) will make them useless.
Maybe a topic for #gischat?
#gischat #spatialbehaviour #humanmobility #giscience
RT @LossandDamage@twitter.com
2/12.Speaking at @UNmigration@twitter.com’s side event Beatrice Anyway Atim @min_waterUg@twitter.com, highlighted that the importance of factoring in #HumanMobility into #LossAndDamage funding:"If funds are not allocated for #HumanMobility in the #LossAndDamage package we will not be able to tackle it."
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LossandDamage/status/1590451020815302657
Hello world. 👋 #introduction
I work in #GIScience, developing methods for analysis of movement. This includes both #HumanMobility and #AnimalMovement. I try to solve difficult problems in #MovementEcology with #SpatialDataScience methods. One of these is migratory #navigation: how do migratory animals 🦅 🦆 🐳 find their way? 🗺️ 🛰️ 🧭
#ScienceMastodon #GIScience #GIS #Ecology #Biologging #GPS #Tracking #Science #Research #Academics #Academia
#scotland #photos #academia #academics #research #science #tracking #gps #biologging #ecology #gis #ScienceMastodon #navigation #spatialdatascience #movementecology #animalmovement #humanmobility #giscience #introduction
Interesting #documentary by #DW on #HumanMobility and #ClimateChange.
Fleeing climate change - the real environmental disaster
#Migration #ClimateChangeAdaptation #CCA #Sahel #Chad #Russia #Indonesia
#documentary #dw #humanmobility #climatechange #migration #climatechangeadaptation #cca #sahel #chad #russia #indonesia
#NatGeo article on climate change-induced #HumanMobility in #Bangladesh: An est. 13.3 Mio displaced by 2050 due to varied impacts of #ClimateChange. Internal #migration requires public services like housing, schools, hospitals in recipient cities. #ClimateChangeAdaptation actions to combat the causes: Reinforcing embankments, cultivating salt-tolerant rice seeds, climate-savvy urban planning & (re)building, shelters, sea-walls, flood-control gates, freshwater systems, etc
#natgeo #humanmobility #bangladesh #climatechange #migration #climatechangeadaptation