steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
359 followers · 11654 posts · Server
WIST Quotations · @WISTquote
78 followers · 1204 posts · Server

A quotation from Billings, Josh:

I luv mi phailings. It iz theze that make me pheel that i have that tutch ov natur in me that makes me brother tew every man living.
[I love my failings. It is these that make me feel that I have that touch of nature in me that makes me brother to every man living.]

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#quote #quotes #quotation #brotherhood #failing #humannature #humanity #imperfection #nature

Last updated 1 year ago

WIST Quotations · @WISTquote
78 followers · 1198 posts · Server

A quotation from Menen, Aubrey:

There are three things which are real: God, human folly, and laughter. Since the first two pass our comprehension, we must do what we can with the third.

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#quote #quotes #quotation #comprehension #folly #God #humancondition #humannature #Humor #ineffability #laughter #meme #reality

Last updated 1 year ago

𖤐 November 𖤐 · @XaetaRhythm
20 followers · 179 posts · Server

I am not an anarchist because I am optimistic about human nature. I’m an anarchist because I’m pessimistic. I think that when people are put into positions of power and authority over their fellow humans, they tend to—consciously or subconsciously—focus more on the perpetuation of that power and at the expense of those beneath them. Power corrupts, and that’s why I oppose rulership in all of its many forms.

#anarchism #anarchy #humannature #antiauthority

Last updated 1 year ago

WIST Quotations · @WISTquote
75 followers · 1161 posts · Server

A quotation from Asimov, Isaac:

The day you stop learning is the day you begin decaying, and then you are no longer a human being.

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#quote #quotes #quotation #Decay #growth #humannature #learning

Last updated 1 year ago

MAGMOE · @magmoe
55 followers · 10834 posts · Server
WIST Quotations · @WISTquote
73 followers · 1114 posts · Server

A quotation from Mencken, H. L.:

All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it.

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#quote #quotes #quotation #fake #fraud #humannature #hypocrisy #integrity #self

Last updated 1 year ago

sharpstick · @sharpstick
12 followers · 51 posts · Server

Some of the original lyrics to the Broadway song “Anything Goes.” It is not us or our situation that is wholly new and unique, just our technology. This is simultaneously a comfort and a warning to me.

#lyrics #coleporter #history #humannature

Last updated 1 year ago

JBRoss · @jbross
21 followers · 508 posts · Server

"The deepest principle of human nature is the craving to be appreciated." — William James — — —

#WilliamJames #quote #quotes #humannature #appreciation #craving #wanted #admiration #admire #principle #human

Last updated 1 year ago

Takako 🐀 · @otterX
171 followers · 999 posts · Server

Just finished reading (listening to) “The Power of Habits” by Charles Duhigg 👍👍 *awesome book* I’m glad I’ve come across it.


#nonfiction #goodreads #makeadifference #humannature

Last updated 1 year ago

Christian · @Christian
9 followers · 13 posts · Server

Great interview with Yuval Noah Harari and Lex Fridman on , , , and

Which key point(s) stood out for you?

For me, it is the power of story-telling in shaping our collective of what is real, true, important, and so on. If stories can make virtually anyone go to war, then surely it can make us strive for ?

The power of story-telling: Stories shapes our collective perceptions of what is real/important

#humannature #consciousness #intelligence #power #perception #peace

Last updated 1 year ago

alice2 · @aliceenamour
248 followers · 966 posts · Server

The perfect illustration of


Last updated 1 year ago

WIST Quotations · @WISTquote
65 followers · 961 posts · Server

A quotation from Kolbert, Elizabeth:

Though it might be nice to imagine there once was a time when man lived in harmony with nature, it’s not clear that he ever really did.

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#quote #quotes #quotation #coexistence #ecology #environment #harmony #humannature #humanity #nature

Last updated 1 year ago

Eugene · @edmonde
75 followers · 700 posts · Server

es de esos artistas que escuchaba de cuando en cuando y luego necesitaba dejar un poco en barbecho para volver a disfrutarlos sin que se me hicieran pesados. La última vez que me dio fuerte fue cuando mi hermano trajo a casa el de , que traía un documental interesante y los vídeos de las canciones de la época, pero eso fue en el año 2000.

⏩ 2015. Nace mi primogénito.

⏩ 2021. Mi chaval ve la peli de , se hace súper fan de Michael y va cambiando sus temas favoritos desde los típicos (que sale en la peli), , , ... Hasta la actualidad, cuando Spotify le ha descubierto los discos póstumos, que le encantan.

Sé que si algún purista me lee igual pone el grito en el cielo, pero están producidos siguiendo el gusto actual y a los chavales les mola así más que temas hechos hace cuarenta años, como es lógico. De hecho, mis hijos prefieren la "Immortal version" de Thriller antes que la original, y eso sí que es grave 😅.

Hace un par de semanas celebró su cumpleaños con sus amigos y decidimos que recibiría un regalo que ningún chaval de su edad suele recibir: un disco de vinilo. También recibió una camiseta del Atleti, pero eso no es culpa mía, I swear. El primer póstumo no recopilatorio, , es muy difícil de encontrar en vinilo debido a que, de las diez canciones que tenía, tuvieron que quitar tres porque "había dudas de que las cantara realmente Michael" (traducción: él no las cantaba) y ya solo lo reeditan en CD.

Este, en cambio, es fácil de encontrar y estaba a buen precio, así que se lo compramos. Lo pusimos en casa y nos sorprendió para bien, ya que no hay que olvidar que se trata de canciones descartadas para otros discos por el propio Jackson, hasta el punto de incluir , la típica tontería con la que jugaría un día en el estudio sin intención de ir más allá, basada en . También incluye uno de mis temas favoritos de , , coescrita por Michael al estilo de , cogiendo un tema o buena idea de otros artistas y transformándola en un hit grandioso.

Al final vas escuchando una canción tras otra y te quedas con muy buena sensación, quizá en parte por no esperarte ni mucho menos una obra maestra, pero no le quiero quitar mérito.

#jacko #vhs #history #gru3 #bad #thriller #offthewall #dangerous #michael #aplacewithnoname #ahorsewithnoname #ericclapton #behindthemask #humannature #michaeljackson #xscape #eugenelo

Last updated 1 year ago

It’s always blown my mind that the Salem witch trials 1- actually happened in what is now Danvers “Salem village” 2- were essentially 1690s version of a viral TikTok.

Like all the kids were doing it for attention and to be cool and 25 people DIED.

#wtf #salem #witches #devil #witchtrial #history #massachusetts #humannature

Last updated 1 year ago

WIST Quotations · @WISTquote
64 followers · 870 posts · Server

A quotation from Serling, Rod:

I happen to think the singular evil of our time is prejudice. It is from this evil that all other evils grow and multiply. In almost everything I’ve written there is a thread of this: man’s seemingly palpable need to dislike someone other than himself.

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#quote #quotes #quotation #evil #hatred #humannature #Othering #prejudice #racism #tribalism

Last updated 1 year ago

What must delight the Tories, whose supreme mission above all else is to maintain power (the better to control and accumulate wealth) is how easy it still is to fool people. Looking at the audience in Clacton-on-Sea this evening, they must be as amazed as I am how many are still convinced of the beauty of the Emperor's New Clothes. The difference is the Tories in power are delighted while I am despairing.

#bbcqt #ignorance #propaganda #humannature #stupidity #brexit #pipedream

Last updated 1 year ago

A.Stringer · @Annekin
75 followers · 525 posts · Server

"The research project...underscores the political danger of romanticizing the past. Aspiring despots can and do prey upon declinist nostalgia, and the citizenry appears ready to squander precious resources on it."

‘Moral breakdown is a fake problem’ – Harvard Gazette

#moralpanic #researchstudies #psychologyresearch #humannature #behaviouralpsychology #socialpsychology

Last updated 1 year ago

A.Stringer · @Annekin
75 followers · 543 posts · Server

"The research project...underscores the political danger of romanticizing the past. Aspiring despots can and do prey upon declinist nostalgia, and the citizenry appears ready to squander precious resources on it."

‘Moral breakdown is a fake problem’ – Harvard Gazette

#moralpanic #researchstudies #psychologyresearch #humannature #behaviouralpsychology #socialpsychology

Last updated 1 year ago