EU monitors Myanmar labour rights as fashion brands exit #humanrightsabuses #Labourabuses #militaryjunta #Myanmar
#humanrightsabuses #labourabuses #militaryjunta #myanmar
Venue for the #Khashoggi Memorial #Whitewashing Trophy announced.
#khashoggi #whitewashing #dictatoriallove #humanrightsabuses #Sportswashing #keepitintheground #taxbillionairesoutofexistence #segregation
#Canadian parliament launched probe into #PaperExcellence after #ICIJ & #DeforestationInc #investigation revealed ties between #BritishColumbia company & #AsiaPulpAndPaper #Chinese #Indonesian #ForestryCompany - accused of #deforestation & #HumanRightsAbuses .
Govt seek to clarify ownership of Paper Excellence & asked Jackson Wijaya - supposed sole owner to attend #CommitteeOnNaturalResources meeting.
Wijaya, member of Indonesia’s powerful #Widjaja family, didn’t show.
#canadian #paperexcellence #icij #deforestationinc #investigation #britishcolumbia #asiapulpandpaper #chinese #indonesian #forestrycompany #deforestation #humanrightsabuses #committeeonnaturalresources #widjaja
Rolling Back a Century of Progress, Republicans Are Reviving Child Labor
#InTheseTimes #ChildLaborAbuse #GOPBackwards #LaborRights #WorkerExploitation #HumanRightsAbuses #Politics #News
#inthesetimes #childlaborabuse #gopbackwards #laborrights #workerExploitation #humanrightsabuses #politics #news
West ups sanctions on Revolutionary Guard #drones #humanrightsabuses #Iran #Iranianprotests #MahsaAmini
#drones #humanrightsabuses #iran #iranianprotests #mahsaamini
West ups sanctions on Revolutionary Guard #drones #humanrightsabuses #Iran #Iranianprotests #MahsaAmini
#drones #humanrightsabuses #iran #IranianProtests #mahsaamini
Navalny has mystery ailment which may be slow poisoning, spokeswoman says #AlexeiNavalny #authoritarianregime #humanrightsabuses #Russia
#alexeinavalny #authoritarianregime #humanrightsabuses #russia
Navalny has mystery ailment which may be slow poisoning, spokeswoman says #AlexeiNavalny #authoritarianregime #humanrightsabuses #Russia
#alexeinavalny #authoritarianregime #humanrightsabuses #russia
Lack of Transparency over Police Forces’ Covert Use of Predictive Policing Software Raises Concerns about Human Rights Abuses – Byline Times
#police #PredictivePolicingSoftware #humanrights #humanrightsabuses #lackoftransparency #blacklivesmatter #MuslimRightsActivism #socialmedia #Dataminr
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Utah Is Searching for Forced Sterilization Survivors in the State to... ‘Apologize’ #Jezebel #utahdepartmentofhealthandhumanservices #compulsorysterilizationincanada #eugenicsintheunitedstates #compulsorysterilization #reproductiverights #humanrightsabuses #sterilization #birthcontrol #socialissues #spencercox #buckvbell #eugenics #medicine #articles #health #buck
#jezebel #utahdepartmentofhealthandhumanservices #compulsorysterilizationincanada #eugenicsintheunitedstates #compulsorysterilization #reproductiverights #humanrightsabuses #Sterilization #birthcontrol #socialissues #spencercox #buckvbell #eugenics #medicine #articles #health #buck
@jhaue The cruelty of the likes of Abbott, Morrison & other immigration ministers deserves a documentary. #HumanRightsAbuses #AsylumSeekers #Populism
#humanrightsabuses #asylumseekers #populism
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: George Santos, Who Lied About Being Jewish, Gives Speech About Antisemitism on House Floor #Jezebel #responsibilityfortheholocaust #auschwitzconcentrationcamp #aftermathoftheholocaust #humanrightsabuses #religion2cbelief #racismineurope #humaninterest #georgesantos #antisemitism #theholocaust #adolfhitler #worldwarii #igfarben #bayerag
#jezebel #responsibilityfortheholocaust #auschwitzconcentrationcamp #aftermathoftheholocaust #humanrightsabuses #religion2cbelief #racismineurope #humaninterest #georgesantos #antisemitism #TheHolocaust #adolfhitler #worldwarii #igfarben #bayerag
“Cop City” Chaos Unfolds Further with Domestic Terrorism Charges | #raceandcrimeintheunitedstates #manuelestebanpaezteran #politicalrepression #humanrightsabuses #blacklivesmatter #policebrutality #war2cconflict #socialissues #law2ccrime #injustice #abuse
#raceandcrimeintheunitedstates #manuelestebanpaezteran #politicalrepression #humanrightsabuses #blacklivesmatter #PoliceBrutality #war2cconflict #socialissues #law2ccrime #Injustice #abuse
Open access:
"Bulgarophobia in North Macedonia. Analysis of the public discourse in 2021".
The study examines Bulgarophobia’s key characteristics and the process through which they are formed and manifested in RNM.
#Bulgaria #Bulgarians #Macedonia #NorthMacedonia #humanrights #humanrightsabuses #xenophobia #hatespeech #hatecrimes #ethnicconflict #Bulgarophobia #Balkans #BalkanStudies #discrimination #ethnicstudies #ethnocentrism #neofascism #nationbuilding #books
#bulgaria #bulgarians #macedonia #NorthMacedonia #humanrights #humanrightsabuses #xenophobia #hatespeech #hatecrimes #ethnicconflict #bulgarophobia #balkans #balkanstudies #discrimination #EthnicStudies #ethnocentrism #neofascism #nationbuilding #books
Now the #worldcup moves to another set of countries with a long history of #humanrightsabuses and oppression of a significant portion of their population. I wonder if the media would say anything about that.
Now the #worldcup moves to another set of countries with a long history of #humanrightsabuses and oppression of a significant portion of their population. I wonder if the media would say anything about that.
As a general rule, the more a person is paid to sell something, the more likely everything they say to sell that thing is a lie, and the worse the thing they're being paid to sell will prove to be.
#humanrightsabuses #influencers #worldcup22
Available for free download:
"Bulgarophobia in North Macedonia. Analysis of the public discourse in 2021".
The study examines Bulgarophobia’s key characteristics and the process through which they are formed and manifested in RNM.
#Bulgaria #Bulgarians #Macedonia #NorthMacedonia #humanrights #humanrightsabuses #xenophobia #hatespeech #Bulgarophobia #Balkans #BalkanStudies #ethnicdiscrimination #ethnicconflict #ethnocentrism #neofascism #nationbuilding #freeEbook
#freeEbook #nationbuilding #neofascism #Ethnocentrism #ethnicconflict #ethnicdiscrimination #balkanstudies #balkans #bulgarophobia #hatespeech #xenophobia #humanrightsabuses #humanrights #NorthMacedonia #macedonia #Bulgarians #bulgaria
Emancipation Producer Apologizes After Bringing Photo of 'Whipped Peter' to Movie Premiere | #africanamericansinthecivilwar #entertainment2cculture #humanrightsabuses #franklinleonard #africandiaspora #americanslaves #joeymcfarland #martindelaney #whippedpeter #abolitionism #petersmith #willsmith #articles #slavery #gordon #oscars
#africanamericansinthecivilwar #entertainment2cculture #humanrightsabuses #franklinleonard #africandiaspora #americanslaves #joeymcfarland #martindelaney #whippedpeter #abolitionism #petersmith #willsmith #articles #slavery #gordon #oscars